There may be some blackmail video somewhere of Blake and I singing and dancing to "Another one strikes the dust".

Up next he found Sophie's squeaky toy. I think this one is the new puppies favorite. He picked it up and carried it around in his mouth. JUST LIKE SOPHIE DOES! WOW! They are SO alike.After he finished playing with that, he moved on to the purple squeaky bone. He could not get that thing to squeak no matter how hard he bit and pushed on it. Sophie is better at this. I guess it will come in time.
So far, the new puppy seems to be fitting in just fine. I do wish we could do something about the house training. He also barks a little too much. I am not sure how long Sophie will tolerate him playing with her toys. Personally, I think it is kind of gross that they are sharing toys.
But isn't he just the cutest puppy ever!
Disclaimer: Yes, I am a horrible mother, I did not intervene and let my kid chew on the dogs toys. Believe me, much worse had already been in the kids mouth. Besides, they share popsicles, potatoe chips, and sometimes sippy cups; so what is a little tennis ball and teddy bear between friends!
It was not as impressive as I remembered from my childhood, but evidently a tornado re-did the landscape several years ago and it just hasn't recovered yet. The path has become unkept, and the mosquitoes were out in full force!
Still, it was fun to walk through! We did get rather hot rather quickly! Bryce and Andrew moved so quickly, the camera and I didn't catch up to them. From the forest, we headed to Bass Pro Shops to let the kids torture the innocent shoppers within, I mean, shoot guns upstairs. They had a ball.
April and her family met up with us at Bass Pro. Shane skipped out, would prefer to go to a Alabama football game than to spend hours with 20 of his most favorite crazy family members. Go figure?????
Sunday, my baby (he'll always be my baby!) was confirmed as a Deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood! We are so proud of him! I know it will not be long before we are (hopefully!) sending him off on a mission! It is amazing how quickly the days and years are flying by! It truly seems like just yesterday that he was a blond haired little boy pointing out airplanes in the sky! He really is a great kid, even if he does fight with his siblings a little too much for this mom's taste! He has read the Book of Mormon, on his own, front to back about three times now. (He is almost finished with his third) That is much more than I can say for me as a 12 year old! He bears his testimony on his own on Fast Sunday. He talks to his friends at school about the gospel. He even tried to give a friend a Book of Mormon. The kid didn't accept it, but we were so proud of him for trying. This move has been a difficult one for him, and friends have not come as easily this time. He was the new kid in a school where kids have been together since kindergarten, so last year there were times when he really did not enjoy it, and felt like he didn't have many friends. Still, he excelled, and continued each day! He ran for vice-president of Jr. Beta Club this year, and while he didn't win. I was very proud he put himself out there, and took the chance. Now, don't get me wrong, he is still 12, and he certainly has his moments when I could hang him by his toes! All in all, a great kid who is a great example to his younger siblings. We know we have been blessed with very good children!
Speaking of very good children, as I sit typing this, Sam has made a spot on the living room floor with a giant box of Lucky Charms, picking out the good parts! (for the record, I only like the marshmallows in that cereal too! ) That must be my cue to quit blabbering, and do the mom thing. That two year old of mine can make quite the mess! Oh the thought! But he sure is cute!
I guess to get a Rainbow, all we need is a lot of Fay-th.....I know cheesy....but i just couldn't help it!
The Jackson's left Thursday, and Blake started his new job on Friday!
Here are all the kids on their first morning of school!
And what is that????? That is a 2 year old with his shoes on. Why? Because he thought he was going to school too! Are those tears??? YES they are! He was not a happy boy being left at home all alone!
So what does a mom do with a very sad 2 year old???
Give him a paintbrush, a block, and some paint! Duh!!!!!
He made quite the mess, but he was SO proud of his block, and enjoyed painting with mommy! Today is the kids fourth day of school, and EVERY morning so far, he has gotten his shoes on and asked me, "mommy, we go?" The first day of school we went grocery shopping, the second day we went shopping for craft supplies for a baby gift i was working on, the third day we went to the park for 2 hours. So far today, I have been able to hold him off, but it looks like a trip to Target is in our future. Though, that is probably a mom thing, not a Sam thing! :)
And here is my project I complete while Sam was painting. It is a gift of a friend having her first baby! The frame is about 25x20. If you look closely at the frame, you can see hints of pink and green coming through the cream paint! I love making things for little girls! So fun!
Now, I just have a Super Saturday to plan (anyone got ideas for some great craft projects!) and I want to get my Etsy shop up and running! It has been a BIG adjustment having Blake back at work, 4 of the 5 kids in school, and the house to Sam and myself. I forget too how much a 2 year old needs to be entertained without 4 others around! I see lots of play dates in our future!!
Hope the school year is starting off great for you all too! Once again, I feel so lucky to live just across from the school. I can be a lazy mom, and still get my kids to school on time!