Disclaimer: You all will know a little too much about my family by the end of this post.
As you all know, we got a dog about a month ago. She is very sweet, and very well behaved. Sometimes, I guess just to keep me on my toes, she would do something crazy like pee right in front of me, or poop by the door. To her defense, she is not a barker or whiner, so if you miss her standing quietly by the door (that is her bathroom cue) it is your fault, not hers. So, I have noticed over the past week the little boys room smelled like pee. None of my kids are bed wetters, but I still checked the beds to see if maybe Sam had a diaper malfunction at night or if Drew might have had an accident. Beds smelled fine (for little boy beds anyway).
I go ahead and strip the beds thinking maybe it just needs a little freshening up, and it isnt a pee smell? I do notice Sophie(the dog) will go into the boys room briefly. I wonder if she is sneaking in there to pee. I had just taken her out, but thought i'd see if I can catch her. She goes in there, and I go into stealth mode. Stalking the dog. Trying to prove she is covertly peeing in my carpet. I've already decided it must be her. Now to catch her in action.
I peek my head around the corner, making sure she doesn't see or hear me. She is sniffing at the carpet at the foot of Drew's bed. I look closer and realize there IS a wet spot there! I knew it! She was peeing in there. DANG DOG!!!!!!
i walk into the room, "Sophie, did you do that? Did you pee in the carpet?"
She is a very gentle dog, and doesnt like to get in trouble. She tucks her little tail, turns and goes out of the room and gets on the couch and curls up. I, in an attempt to out do my stupidity when cleaning the boys room (for a refresher:http://ginger-myrandomnothingness.blogspot.com/2008/05/things-mom-of-boys-should-know.html), I bend down to see if this is the offending odor. That would be a resounding YES! I wonder WHY?????? She had JUST been out. And this was A LOT of pee!??!!! Was she marking territory? Suffering from doggie incontinence? Trying to make me go insane? A quick search of google on how to remove pet urine from carpet, and that's the end. I did crawl around and sniff the carpet all over to see if she had frequented any other parts of the room. I am happy to report she had not.
Fast forward to that evening, I am tucking the little boys into their bed. I am sitting on the floor, reading Drew and Sam a book. For some reason, I ask Drew, "Have you been peeing in your carpet?"
Now WHY did I ask my 5 year old, fully potty trained kindergartner if he was peeing on the carpet? I have no idea. But the look on his face as soon as I asked, and I knew. He got this sheepish guilty look. I have to admit I was a bit relieved. I can communicate with a child and solve the problem. If it was the dog, I was afraid it was going to be an ongoing problem. He still has said nothing, but I can tell by his reaction he is in fact the guilty party. I ask again, "Drew, did you pee-pee in your carpet?"
He says, "I don't want to be in trouble. Please don't be mad."
Me, "So you peed in your carpet?"
He just kind of stares at me, aware I already know the answer. I want to hear him say it. "Andrew, tell me the truth, or you will be in bigger trouble. You know Sophie got in trouble today because I thought she was peeing in your bedroom."
"I did mom."
"Why did you pee in your floor? "
"I don't know."
"That isn't an answer Drew. Tell me why you peed in the floor! How long have you been peeing in the floor (Remember, I said I noticed the smell earlier in the week, just took me a while to identify what it was!)? And where?"
"I did it 2 times, maybe 4. "
"Someone was in the bathroom"
"you know we have two bathrooms, where did you pee?"
He points straight to where the offending spot had been.
We then went on to have a discussion about how he must use the bathroom. And then I felt the need to be even more specific. The toilet in the bathroom. I know Drew is kind of like me, and just not a morning person. He is also a little on the lazy side. So, I guess when someone was in the bathroom, and he is half asleep, he'd prefer to pee on the carpet instead of walking across the house to the other bathroom.
I didn't know whether I should spank him, laugh, ground him,......what i should do! I was grateful it wasn't the dog. However, seriously, how does a kid even think up the, hey, lets drop my pants and take a piss on the baseboard/carpet, routine? Maybe it is a family trait, peeing on things they shouldn't. Their dad did pee on an electric fence when he was a kid.........
That being said, carpets are cleaned, dog is no longer on my bad list, and I am making sure Drew pees first thing every morning!........IN THE TOILET!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Hey Ginger, should we bring a tent this weekend and sleep outside so we will avoid being pee'd on?
See you later today.
Nah, You're safe. Drew's sleeping upstairs! :P
FUNNY! They have to keep you going all the time or you would be bored! :)
That's gross. Kid needs some help. Mine just like to pee in the car instead of going before we leave the house.
Oh my heck! I love you! Thanks for reminding me that we're not the only weird family, and you're one of the few to admit to it. Gotta love those kids!!
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