Vomit. And to be clear, morning in this case is defined by 4 something in the morning. Oh, but the joy was just beginning.
Luckily, the guilty party had felt queasy earlier and was properly prepared for such a distribution of last-nights dinner.
Happy Labor Day!
Nothing like a holiday to make the kids sick. There go the plans!
Oh, but don't feel bad for me. You see, the fun was just beginning.
After making sure all was well with the puker, I nestled back into my bed. Hoping to get a bit more sleep. Not to be. Shortly after, Kayleigh comes in with the dog, who apparently felt she was missing out and insisted on being taken out at 5 in the morning. It was still dark, so Kayleigh was scared to take her out. Now, for about half a second, I was not in my right mind, and slipped on my shoes and was going to take Sophie out. Then I realized that I had no clothes on. Grabbed the robe, out the door. Sophie decides she just is out for a EARLY morning stroll, and nibbles a little here and there on her favorite snack.....grass.
I get tired of the morning salad-bar stroll, and suddenly realize I need to go to the bathroom. Gravity I guess? I tether the dog, and go in. Tell Kayleigh to keep an eye on her. Kayleigh goes and brings her in.
I am keeping my eye on her as she has a routine, she gets up in the morning and goes out to do her business, both kinds. She did not do the deed while out, and I do not want my carpet to fall victim to puppy potty problems. I notice her sniffing, so Kayleigh and I take her out again. Success.
We come in, and I settle in bed again. Thinking if I could just get back to sleep until 7am that would be fantastic. I knew yesterday when I told Blake I really needed to sleep in, it wouldn't happen. I roll over, put the covers up, and begin to snooze. Not 5 minutes later, I hear round two of the Refried Bean Regurgitation 2008 begin. I get back up. Tend to him, and go to the kitchen to get him some water to rinse with.
I notice Sophie is pacing back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room. I am always suspect when she paces. So i go see what she is pacing for.
Oh, the joy. The dog is sick too. Other end, but nasty none-the-less. It is about all I can do not to just sit down on the floor and cry. I have been up for two hours and have dealt with vomit, a slow stroll around the yard at 5am, more vomit, and now doggie doo (of the liquid variety) in my entry.
Instead of crying, I do what any sane person would do. I got pissed. Turned around, stomped to my room, collapsed on the bed and told Blake he had to go clean it up. Sprinkled in my proclamation on how gross it is was the reminder the dog was his idea, the question as to why I always get to clean up the body fluids, reminders it isn't fair, attempts at guilting him for sleeping while I nurtured the sick kid/dog, and then a pitiful attempt at ignoring the puddle of poo ensued. This outburst lasted for a mere moment, as I hear Sam is up, and am fearful he will find the poo and fall in it, and that, my friends, would have been the end of me.
My attempts to guilt, beg, and order Blake to clean it have failed miserably. This does nothing to help my mood, especially when the question of my needing Midol is floated. I stomp out and get the *%*#&%(!!! mop. Rubber gloves and paper towels in hand, and a few gag-ful minutes later, my floor is now poo free. Blake appears with the mop and bucket for final clean-up.
Poor Sophie is resting on one couch. Jonathon, also known as He-Who-Pukes-Too-Much, is laying on the other. They could pass as twins.
I am over my fit (the cleaning period was not a pleasant time here.......I believe I muttered many names about anyone who passed by as I cleaned Sophie's contribution to my morning) I am finally feeling sorry for Sophie instead of pissed at her. I sit on the armchair to watch the news coverage of Hurricane Gustav. Blake walks in, sits beside Sophie.
He turns to me, and asks, "Why aren't you in bed?" Seriously, SERIOUSLY, do you really want me to answer that?????????????
So, what did you do this morning before 6:30?
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
oh the joys... i'm sorry you had to deal with that... hopefully everyone feels better...
HEHE!! Been there, done that!! I was so spoiled yesterday. I had a terrible pinched nerve in my neck yesterday so my mom took care of me! LOVE being close to mom!Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
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