For about two months, the past weekend was set to be one of adventure for our family! The guys had made plans to go canoeing over in Georgia. Mom was going to hang with Kayleigh, the little boys, and me. Kayleigh had a day-long achievement days activity, so it was just me, the younger kids, and my mom for Saturday. We began to wonder on Thursday if our weekend was going to play out as we had planned. A storm playing ping-pong with the Florida coast threatened to wash out the plans for a 17 mile canoe trip. Never fear, we kept an eye on the weather channel, and decided that unless it was a downright flood, they would go. What is the worst that could happen? They'd get wet on the river! The outfitting company wouldn't let them float if the river is high anyway.
We keep an eye on Fay, watching her bounce across Florida. Dumping massive quantities of rain wherever she went. We certainly needed the rain!
Mom, Dad and Chris arrived on Friday night. The weather in Rome seemed as if was going to be okay. Here in Alabama we were due for rain! Lots of wind, rain, and possible tornadoes! The guys left around 5am. Within 30 minutes of them leaving, Fay began dumping her rain here. The wind wasn't too bad, some gusts were pretty strong. Kayleigh was supposed to be at the chapel at 815 am to catch a ride to the stake center. Mom and i decided that after we dropped her off we would go to Sam's club. I hadn't been to Sam's in forever! We go to get in the car and the battery is dead! I kid you not, for forty five minutes, my mom and I tried to get the van started. We had the batteries hooked up, only we didn't realize the car you are jumping from has to be started when you try to crank the car needing a charge, duh......We had connected them, started moms car, then tried to start my van. Nothing would happen. My neighbor's husband came to our rescue. He unhooked everything, left moms car running, reconnected the batteries, and the van started on the first try! Easy....we are all set! Feeling a little dumb, but hey, the car is running!
By now the rain is heavy and steady. We call the guys to see where they are, and they are still on the road. Their weather is still holding.

We drop Kayleigh off right about an hour late. Head to Sam's. At this point the van has been running for over 40 minutes, so i didn't think anything about it any longer. We take our time in Sam's. Taste all the yummy samples, look at all the fun furniture, check out the Wii games. We check out and head to the van. The wind is whipping and the rain is POUNDING! We unload all the goods into the van, buckle the babies in, and NOTHING.
The dang van is dead again!!!!!!!!!!!Only this time, there is no neighbor to help, no house to keep the kids dry and warm, just the dead van, 35 mph winds, and enough rain to make ya start looking for the Ark.
Mom volunteers to go in and ask the tire dept if they have a mobile charger. I sit with the babies and defrosting groceries. I gave the kids an ICEE pop to keep them happy, and wait. Luckily, the guy in front of us comes out, and I jump out and beg him to help me. I could tell he thought twice about it, as it was pouring rain and he was about to get REALLY wet. He saw the kids in the van, and I think that is what did it for him. We get the cables, jump the van, and I pull up to see mom coming out. She has with her a guy from the Tire Center carrying a starterthingiemabob. We tell him thanks, but no thanks. Off we go. Straight home. The kids are wound-up and over-tired. I am soaking wet and a bit stressed. As we drive home, the wind gusts get stronger and the rain harder!
That is how the remainder of the day stayed too. HEAVY rain. Amazingly, the guys said it didn't start to rain there till they pulled out of the river at like 530 pm. They drove home in some REALLY bad rain and wind.
Sunday we were celebrating Andrew's birthday with the family. Evidently while we were blowing out candles and having cake, there was a funnel cloud right over the school that is across the street from us! 

Monday was MORE rain! Sophie (the dog) was not enjoying this! She had to be carried past the door to go out. Once past the downspout, she was fine and would go trot in the rain. The kids spent about 2 hours in their cubbies because of tornado warnings on Monday.
This really was the kind of weekend I like. Lazy and Rainy! Nothing got accomplished in the house, but it was pretty relaxing (if you ignore the van problems!)
Tuesday finally saw and end to the rain. Around 4:00 my neighbor called and told me to go outside. This is what we found:
I guess to get a Rainbow, all we need is a lot of Fay-th.....I know cheesy....but i just couldn't help it!
Man that is crazy. Atleast you dont have to turn on your sprinklers and water the grass!!
you think you are the normal one??? okay gotta have "fay"th.. dork
Sounds like you need a new battery!
Hey, how come Ryan never gets invited. We're starting to feel left out.
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