Monday, Jonathon and Kayleigh's gifted program took a trip to the fair. The educational reasoning was "physics in motion". The teacher wanted to go experience it first hand. Blake and I say it was just an excuse to take them to play all day.
The day was a lot of fun! My only complaints (and you know I was going to have some) was the cost! HOLY HECK is it expensive to go to the fair! Second, I forgot sunscreen. We were there from 830 to 2pm. NO sunscreen, hair pulled back. My ears, neck, scalp and face are pretty much fried. And it hurts!
The day was a lot of fun! My only complaints (and you know I was going to have some) was the cost! HOLY HECK is it expensive to go to the fair! Second, I forgot sunscreen. We were there from 830 to 2pm. NO sunscreen, hair pulled back. My ears, neck, scalp and face are pretty much fried. And it hurts!

When we got there we had to wait an hour for the rides to open. So, we toured the animal and other agriculture displays. That was interesting, yet stinky. The pigs they were showing in the arena were rather amorous. We didn't stay very long there. They kept having to separate them. Kayleigh asked me, Mom, why is that one pig trying to climb on the others back.......
Moving on!

The rides finally opened, and my kids were fearless. In fact, the scarier looking, the better. I had five kids in my group. Two were more cautious and did not want to ride very much. One kid came with out lunch money. To the parents that send their kids to the fair with no lunch or lunch money, newsflash....I dont want to pay 4 bucks for your kids hotdog, another 2 for his water. I already had to take a home equity line of credit out just to step in the fair, and sold my wedding jewelry to buy my kids the "you can ride everything" wristbands. Then there was the funnel cake that had to be bought.....I pawned the car. And seriously you fair people.....4 bucks for a shaved ice. REALLY. and I kid you not Slush Puppies were 9, yes NINE dollars. We did not get slush puppies.

It was so much fun, so I guess I just wont think about the money. But I am cheap, so I really will, I'll just pretend like I wont. (Sidenote: babysitter at home with Sam for 6 hours, not cheap either. Had to sell Sam to pay for it.)

All kidding aside, it was a great day. We had a lot of fun, saw A LOT of very interesting people, more tattoos than i have ever seen and in places that SHOULD NOT be seen in public, ate all kinds of yummy fair food, watched a "Cool" teenager step off the Gravitron and loose his lunch in front of about 100 people, who instantly laughed. I love getting to see my kids in their social setting. It makes me feel good about how we are raising them, and am proud to see their choices (so far!) in who they choose to associate with. I just hope they continue to be such great kids!

What a fun day! Sure beats the Knob Noster fair!! :)
I heard that the Texas state fair sales were down more than 1/2 this year. The prices are just too high.
Next time leave the kids at home and come with me. Cheaper and more fun!
Where oh where has Ginger gone?? Whats up?
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