Nothing exciting going on here. We have been busy, which is pretty much a constant with five kids around.
Jonathon had his second temple trip this weekend! He got to spend the night with his friend Hunter and ride up with the youth. I had a Christmas Craft Show this weekend, so Blake was home with the kids. It was a SLOW show....everyone was either in Birmingham for the big Prattville-Hoover State Championship football game (Prattville won...makes 3 state championships in a row! Hoover is the school that was on the MTV series 3 A Days....I believe.) Anyway, between that big game and the Alabama game....sports took priority for the day. I still did enough sales to make it worth it for me!

This past weekend was the Interfaith Nativity. It turned out beautifully! Blake and I, along with the Backus', got to host/hostess for a couple hours. That was lots of fun. I am still amazed at how many different kinds of nativities there are. Everyone around here seems to be getting a cold or flu or strep throat or something. We'll be making our way to the dr times. Jonathon is the only one who went to school, though admittedly, Andrew could probably have gone. He is coughing, but no fever and seems to have enough energy to fight with Sam.....constantly.
Jonathon had his second temple trip this weekend! He got to spend the night with his friend Hunter and ride up with the youth. I had a Christmas Craft Show this weekend, so Blake was home with the kids. It was a SLOW show....everyone was either in Birmingham for the big Prattville-Hoover State Championship football game (Prattville won...makes 3 state championships in a row! Hoover is the school that was on the MTV series 3 A Days....I believe.) Anyway, between that big game and the Alabama game....sports took priority for the day. I still did enough sales to make it worth it for me!
I can't remember if I shared it on here or not, but Restoration Mercantile ( is going to be carrying my things! They also have several vendors who are interested and are wanting to carry a line of LDS themed products! I'll update on how things go!
We had a great Thanksgiving....We went to Lake Martin again. It is becoming a tradition it seems. We all had a great time. Though Scott and April (my brother and sister) were feeling a little under the weather. We played badminton, ate, played Ticket To Ride (a really fun board game), and of course at more. The kids rode their bikes....only one major bike accident. Of Course, Kayleigh (and Julia) were involved......seems Kayleigh has her moms skills on the bike. A little ice, motrin, and lots of attention made things all better. The weather was perfect until Friday where it began to rain and rain and rain! We woke up Saturday with a stream of water running through our room. 

Mom and Dad came back to our house, and we had a fun night of card playing....where if i remember correctly, Mom and I beat Blake and Dad at spades.......Ok, maybe not, but we probably won at least one hand?
Biggest news for our extended family is the birth of little Peter Sands M. My sister, Jessica's third baby. Mom and Dad are there now getting lots of baby love and helping take care of Kylie, Alex, Jess and probably Ryan too. 
So that is it in a nutshell for now....lots of field trip, Christmas Parties, and fun coming up!!!!!!!!!!
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