Of my five children, so far, four have had some kind of speech issue. Mild issues, but issues that have needed correction/intervention.
If drew asks you for a FORK and it sounds vulgar, you'll have to excuse him. And the fact that you could make out anything is a huge improvement anyway.
Kayleigh used to crack us up with the way she said Yellow. She wanted a Yellow power ranger, and would ask her grandpa (my dad) to get her a yeyoo power wanger.
Jonathon mixed a few letters, as did Bryce.
Bryce has had the hardest time learning to say X BOX 360. It literally comes out....and i quote....OX BOX FREE IXTY. We were driving back from Mobile once, and Blake and I spent about 30 minutes trying to get him to say xbox 360. He could say x box, and three sixty, but put them together and EVERYTIME it came out OX BOX FREE IXTY. He has finally gotten it out correctly, but must think as he speaks.
Sam, it seems, so far has VERY clear speech. In fact, I think he speaks more clearly than Andrew. (Blake didnt seem to appreciate me pointing that out) He also has a very verbose vocabulary. He says things and we wonder where he is learning it! When people look back at their little ones first words, the common ones are mamma, dadda, ball. He mastered all of those really quickly. I am sure being the youngest of five total jabber boxes does a lot to promote good speech and vocabulary. And anyone who knows me KNOWS that I do not lack in the speaking department. I swear, I could talk a weed from a yard. I am sure there are many people who see my name on caller ID and screen the call if they don't have an hour to talk! (you all know it is true!)
I can remember as a child, I liked to accompany my grandmother to craft fairs (she sold ceramics) or to family reunions. I did this several times, then noticed, the offers for me to tag along did not come, but rather, my little (and at the time much quieter) little sister, Jessica, would be invited. Evidently, I just talked TOO dang much and asked TOO many dang questions! And to my grandmother, I apologize, I now have a 10 year old "mini-me" and I totally sympathize with the talking and asking questions thing! (Though I love talking with my daughter, so I usually put up with the 10,000 questions!)
My point in all that, is that being overly talkative is not an uncommon thing in our family, and a trait Sam has seemed to inherit.
Looking back in all the years of parenting, I can think of the cute first words my children share. Their first meaningful phrases. How sweet, how innocent. Things like "more please" or "i want juice".
Sam's first meaningful phrase, seriously: I need BUTT PASTE.
You see, Sam has very sensitive skin. Any time we travel, he will end up with a "butt rash". On one of these particular occasions, I believe it was a trip to see Jess in Arkansas, she suggested Boudreaux Butt Paste. It has been a life saver, a miracle worker. Sam apparently agrees. After the first use of butt paste, he realized it made it better. So now, anytime he needs a diaper change, he will tell us, he needs butt paste! He'll even bring us a diaper, wipes, and the jar of Butt Paste (we buy it in the big canister now!); lay down and say "you give me butt paste".
So, while my other kids have given me fond memories of "i want juice", "i want daddy," and the like, Sam will go down in the books asking for butt paste!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
That's funny! It's true butt paste works!!! But, it's funny how he even knew it was butt paste!!
Enjoyed talking with you the other day. And NO I have never screened your calls!! ;)
Have you thought about how hard it'll be to get that kid to say goodbye to Boudreaux when it's time to toilet train?
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