I have a birth defect. I was born without a filter at my mouth. I am aware of this and try to tame it. I seem to be lacking that thing that makes normal people refrain from saying really stupid or inappropriate things.
This past sunday, I had a FEAST of Foot in Mouth. I mean, I think I nearly got to my knee. It was that bad!
This past month (june) was my month to conduct in our womens organization at church (Relief Society). Along with the task of teaching the first Sunday and conducting, we as a presidency decided, whoever was conducting would also "get" to go to the extra meetings (ward council, welfare, missionary correlation). After my performance on Sunday, we might just be rethinking that!
A little background....our ward mission leader is married to the Relief Society Secretary( we'll call her Betsy). They are former military. Nice family, five kids. She is very industrious.
Yours truly had the following conversation. We were discussing a inactive member who is coming back to activity and her husband (who is taking missionary discussions), and the ward mission leaders preference on her visiting teachers.
Below : WML is mission leader. DG is DUMB GINGER!!!!
WML: We really need to make sure Sister..........gets visiting teachers who will go.
DG: She isnt on our roll yet, so until we get her records we can't officially give her a visiting teacher.
WML: We are working on getting her records. She can't have VT till then?
DG: Not officially, though we are meeting on wednesday and will discuss her and find some.
WML: She really needs someone who will come, but not a "molly Mormon", not somone who would look down or make her feel imperfect.
DG: Ok.
Here we discuss a few names and why they would or wouldnt work.Other people are also inputting, but that isnt important.
Then, WML again states: We really need someone who doesnt have it all put together, not a molly mormon, but still someone who will go.
DG: Ok. I'll make note.
WML: How about Betsy (his wife, whose name has been changed to protect the innocent...), I think she would be good.
I thought you didnt want a "Molly".
As soon as I finished speaking, I realized I was choking on my size 9 walmart wedge sandals. Cheap shoes DO NOT TASTE GOOD!
The room was trying to keep their composure. But the elders get to laughing, the assistant Ward Mission Leader is laughing, and I believe the poor pregnant sister sitting next to me was trying to act like it wasnt funny so she wouldnt have to go to the bathroom.
I did what only an expert foot eater would do, and made myself look and sound like a BIGGER idiot (if possible) !
WML has a blank look on his face. Either 1. he had never considered his wife a Molly type, or 2. He wasnt sure to be offended or proud! or 3. He didnt realize people saw his wife as a Molly.
I stumble all over myself saying stupid things such as...>Oh, well your wife is Molly in the good way, not in the condescending way. Finally, my brain kicks in and sends the SHUT UP NOW impulse to my mouth. The elders are still chuckling.
After the meeting is over, I go to WML and explain that I wasnt trying to be insulting, but that to a sister who is struggling and just trying to get back on the right path, she COULD be intimidated by Betsy and her admirable skills. I dont think he bought it. But evidently his wife thought it was funny.
I had to go home and warn the Relief Society Pres. what I had done, so if they were offended and I got in trouble, she'd have a heads up. She laughed, rather heartedly!
We just happened to have the Elders over for dinner that evening. I came home, forgetting all about my rather unfortunate contribution to the meeting. I hadn't thought to mention it to Blake. The Elders made sure to clue him in! They thought it was hilarious!
Gee.....thanks! Glad I could be an idiot and amuse you in the process!
Seriously though, the words flew out before the better part of my brain could say: THINK IT;DON'T SAY IT!
Good news is, I saw Betsy today and she brought it up, and seemed to think it was funny. She told me she sure hopes she is Molly and that is a worthy goal. I say....you go for it!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
That must be genetic. I can sometimes feel Ryan cringe when I open my mouth in public.
That is freakin helarious!!! I bet the story retold is even funnier than in live life mode. ;)
Miss you!
When are ya'll coming to visit Jess?
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