So, today, I should be packing, arranging, cleaning, sorting, STRESSING.
Blake was SUPPOSED to start his new job in Atlanta, GA on Monday.
I went on a house-hunting trip last week to find a house, and with much frustration, had little success! Things were not falling into place. The house we wanted was for Sale or Rent. It had been on the market as a FOR SALE house for months, and FOR RENT for a little over a week. Our realtor was contacting the other realtor to get our application, and to get details. I LOVED that house. It was huge, beautiful, and would have fit our perfectly!
After seeing everyhouse in the area in our price range, I was finally content and Jonathon and I headed back to Alabama.
The realtor called us and told us that morning, the other Realtor had received an offer to buy. They would entertain that first, then consider the Lease applicants. They should know something in a day or two. Great. We were going to wait and see if the offer took, but in the mean time line up our second choice home.
Well, none of that matters, as Blake is not going to Atlanta. He got a job in Montgomery! Not ony a job, but a great job, with more money, and FREE benefits!!!!!! It is amazing what has happened at the last minute.
Our Bishop had been trying to help find Blake a job since we moved here, off and on. He has a lot of contacts, and evidently a really good reputation among his peers.
Nothing was coming. We kept hearing....his resume looks great, we'd love to have him, but dont have a spot.....We were told mutliple times he needed to "dumb down" his resume, as he had the resume of a CIO or CTO, and the were usually hired from withing. Great, but we need a paycheck folks!
So, while I was in Atlanta, a series of email went back and forth between Blake and our bishop. Blake pretty much told the Bishop thanks for all the help, we've run out of town. He also told him that I was in ATL househunting, and that we were more than likely moving in a little over a week, as unless there was Divine Intervention, we had to go where the job was.
Well, here I sit, a week later. There was in fact Divine Intervention. The Bishop emailed Blakes resume to a friend at a firm he used to work at. (Which, by the way, is the same firm that Blake interviewed with in May and had the job which the AF never funded!) The VP said the resume looked great, and he'd put it in a file, but taht he didnt have anything. That was Wednesday morning. Wednesday afternoon, Blake got an email from him, the VP, that they wanted to interview him Friday (last Friday). So he interviewed, and they told him they'd make a decision and notify on Tuesday.
Tuesday comes and we here nothing. Oh, the nerves, the twisting stomach! I know many of our friends and lots of the ward were praying for and with us! Guess we arent TOO unlikable....
Tuesday afternoon, Blake emails the VP the usual thanks for the opportunity to interview, blah blah blah......He gets a reply that is somewhat jumbled, but basically sounded like he got the job!
An hour later, it is confirmed, we have the job in Montgomery!!!!!!The only thing we needed then was Air Force approval.....(agh! not this again!) and for Blake to accept the offer! So we were still unsure it was 100%!
Wednesday he goes in to meet with the VP again, and see the offer in print. They offered him more money than Atlanta, and they pay for 100% of our medical, dental, vision insurance!
We truly feel blessed and that our prayers have been answered! We didnt mind moving, but staying here is what we really wanted!
So, that is the news! He got a great job here in Montgomery, doing what he wants to do! Yeah!!!! Oh, and he starts tomorrow!!!!!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago