Bryce comes in the room this morning and pulled up his shirt and said, "Mom, this really hurts." My eyes were still adjusting to being awake, but I could make out what looked to be a large bite or zit looking thing right on his hipbone.
I decided to keep him home for the day and watch it. See if it got bigger, smaller, redder, whiter, more pus, less pus....and on.
After lunch with Blake at the bowling alley, I decided to drive by the Dr.'s office and see if they were busy. There were only a few cars, so we popped in. Less than a five minute wait, and we are getting vitals, and blood pressures. Nurse asks what is up, i give her a brief history, lift his shirt and show her his wound we have under a band aid. Told her I am sure it isn't a bite. Doesn't itch. Hurts to touch, is red and hot. Had a head like a zit. My guess was a staph pustule. I get that look that nurses and Dr's give when they think parents are over reacting. She draws blood to pull a CBC to see if he has an infection. He did not enjoy that. They did a finger prick, then milked it for blood. She leaves, Bryce's blood in hand.
We are left alone in the room. This is never fun. My kids want to investigate every item in the room.What is this? What is that? They want to pull out and try to use the stirrups after I made the mistake of telling them you rest your feet in them. Sam poops in his diaper. I realize I didn't bring an extra in with me. Lovely.
Dr. comes in, and I get to repeat the conversation I just had with the nurse. She has moved on to the "bite" the nurse told her about. She looks at it and says, not a bite, but definitely a staph infection. She needs a sample to send off to test. FUN. Bryce reasoned with her for a good 15 minutes on why she didn't need to do that. Made her tell him step by step what she was going to do, complete with hand motions. She finally got the sample, then drained what she could of the infection. She said we would know for sure on Monday if it is MRSA or not, but they are treating it as if it is. They did a strep test on him too, as his tonsils were HUGE. It was positive, but she thinks Bryce does not have full blown strep, but is a carrier. He didn't have a fever or sore throat or any typical symptoms of strep. He had been wild for a few days, which is usually a warning to us he is about to be sick. They give us 2 antibiotic prescriptions and says to keep it covered. Wash hands frequently with soap and water, and he is good to go.
She tells me he is cleared to play baseball, but not to go to school (they were having field day today and had several water type games she thought would be best to avoid). I debated on letting him go to the game, but she assured me that if we have the wound dressed and covered, and his shirt stayed tucked in, no one would be at risk. His wound is very small, and is not weeping or leaking or anything. I checked the CDC website, and they say the same thing. As long as it is covered, normal activities are ok.
He was feeling great, so off to baseball he went.
They have now placed him as their lead off batter. He steps up to bat, and on the first pitch, hits it hard and it goes right in between 2ND and third and rolls to the fence. He got up to bat 4 times list night, and each time, fantastic hits! One to the fence, one over the short stops heads, the first hit between second and third, and then one along the third base line. All the boys hit well last night!
What was amazing was the first inning we were in the field. They had a couple boys who had hit, and bases were loaded. There were no outs. We had ended our inning with no outs under the 9 run rule, but we still didn't want them to get any runs.
One of their boys gets up to hit. Bryce is playing third base. He hits the ball and it heads right for Bryce, arching high into the air. The boys on base have started running. Bryce catches the ball. He is so happy! Shocked even. Out one!
He looks and realized the guy from second is almost to third and had never tagged up after he caught the ball. He tags him! Out two!
We all realize what is happening and yell for him to touch third base! The runner is on his way back from home to third and all he has to do is touch the plate to get him out! Bryce touches third, and he's out! OUT THREE! Bryce got a triple play! All three outs in one inning, all by himself in ONE play!
All the parents were cheering, Bryce was grinning from ear to ear. The other coach came over to our dugout and asked who was playing third. They pointed out Bryce and he actually came and gave Bryce a high five and told him Congratulations! He said he had NEVER seen a play like that in 6 year old baseball!
The game was so fun to watch! Our boys were all excited! The ending score was 18-2. Bryce has another game tonight, one Saturday, Monday and Tuesday! I know they won't all go as well as this one, but as a parent, it is SO fun to watch our children succeed at something they enjoy!
*For any of you going....I cant believe she let her kid with a staph infection go play ball, I'll give you a link to the CDC where you can see it was safe. I told the parents who were gathered before the game, and no one had a problem with him playing.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Poor Bryce! How did you know it was more than a bug bite?
We kept getting strep over and over. I took my kids to the Dr. (they send you to infectious disease doctors?? ick) They said they were all fine. Finally decided I might be the carrier. I had my tonsils taken out 5 years ago and NOBODY in the family has had strep since! Oops, guess it was me. :)
Sounds like you have a good little baseball player in the family! Go Bryce!
I hope the staph infection gets cleared up soon... poor guy. It sounds like it's not slowing him down any though. :)
Ya'll got a future All-Star... way to go Bryce!!
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