I couldn't stand the Trojan Weekend being up there any longer, so I figured it was time to post something!
We have been quite busy around here. Baseball, spring break, baseball, school, baseball, mom is sick, baseball....I think you get the picture.
The season has been fun this year! Blake isn't coaching, so I have an extra adult with me to tame the wild ones. Bryce is doing quite well. His first 2 games, i think he was super nervous. He wasn't hitting very well. In practice, he makes contact at every at-bat. After the second game, where he struck out at both at bats, he seemed a bit down. "Mom, I lost my batting skills." That is what he told me. I am happy to report he h
as now regained his skills. He smiles every time he crosses home plate!

Bryce lost his SKILLS!Proof Jonathon got on base :)
Jonathon's team is doing well too! There is truly such if difference between the 6 year olds and the 12 year olds though! The little ones are cute and all having fun. By the time they are 12, it is a bit more serious. (Though you do still see an occasional outfielder playing in the grass-hope it isn't my kid!) Next year THREE will be playing......Not sure how we'll manage that!

Easter was nice and low key! My parents came up and spent Friday and Saturday with us. Blake and Dad started on our back fence. They got about half of it done! We finished the other half this past weekend after an incident with Sophie and a coyote!
Sophie likes to go play in the cow field behind the house. I was getting ready to go to the gym and had let Sophie out. When i went to let her in, she had gone into the field and was behind the portion of the fence dad and Blake had finished. I called to her, then realized she was brown instead of black. I was walking towards the fence when i realized that I was looking at a coyote and not my puppy. I looked for her immediately and she was to the left of the coyote about 4 or 5 feet. She was not barking, but frozen and her hair was on its ends from head to tail. I yelled to Jonathon what was going on (it was during spring break) and picked up a piece of fence post and stated yelling at the coyote. It was not even afraid of me. We came towards it, and are telling it to go away. The coyote and Sophie chase each other back and forth across the cow field. We finally help Sophie figure out how to get back into the yard. She was so on guard she got confused and was stuck between the cattle wire and the privacy fence. When she would turn her back to the coyote, it would come in on her. I have to admit, I was screaming, waving the wood above my head (i am sure it was quite the sight!) and Jonathon was screaming, directing Sophie. Even when Sophie was back in our yard, and Jonathon carried her inside that coyote just stood there and stared at us. Then slowly went back into the field. Obviously, we had to finish the fence ASAP before Sophie became Coyote dinner. 

I am sure there is other stuff that is going on too......the school year is wrapping up, so lots of field trips, parties, and stuff. Blake is taking a class for some certification, working lots of overtime, and still being super-dad. I have some fun things going on! New calling....Activities Committee Chair (For the 4th time! I must really suck at it!). Working on planning some fun activities. Then there is my little business. Lots of potentially very exciting things going on there!!!! I'll share some of that another time. 

For the most part, life is great! We really are quite blessed, and I am so grateful! Now if I could just get Sam potty trained, life would be golden!!!!
1 comment:
Glad to see the new post! :) CUTE picture of the kiddos. So funny! Hey this is my 3rd time as Primary Pres so I hear ya! I am going to do it RIGHT this time so I can pass the calling on to someone else!
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