That was my day yesterday. I have been going to Zumba, but not as often as I would like. The class is at an odd time of day. Making it difficult to go to Zumba and get anything done. BUT, I so enjoy it. It also has enlightened me to several things:
1. I have no rhythm. The right side of my body is especially rhythm free.
2. I get confused easily. Having my arms. legs and hips moving in different directions at the same time is a near impossible feat. Strange looking too I am sure!
3. Every time I see my fat giggling in the mirror, I want to gag....and then I push harder and sweat more!
4. I sweat a lot! I am fairly certain it is a family trait. Sweaty bunch. When i got Sam from the nursery and picked him up he asked me why I was all wet!
5. I am always in a better mood after I zumba. And today, that was a particularly good thing, as my day was about to get derailed!
Wednesdays, my friend Beth and I do lunch. She has an appt with her trainer the same time I have Zumba, so we planned to meet at noon. I got home, and proceeded to get in the shower. I was about to step in when I phone rang. It was the school. Drew was in the nurses office (second time this week, first time he fell and hit the back of his head in the lunchroom.....big goose egg!). He was running a low grade fever and complaining of his leg hurting and his mouth hurting. She said his throat looked red. I showered as quickly as possible, put some stuff in my hair, threw on clothes, grabbed Sam, and crossed the street to the school. Drew comes down the hall smiling, looking PERFECTLY healthy! I felt him and there seemed to be no fever.
I decided I would continue on with my lunch date. Adult interaction is so rare these days, I didnt want to cancel, plus Beth is one of those friends that just makes you smile. Such a fun person to be around. (They are moving this summer and I will miss her!) The kids are happily playing in the car, and we finally pull into Thai Place about 6 minutes late. I wasnt worried because Beth is worse in the time department. If I am five late, Beth will be 10. I tend to think of my (our) lateness as a reflection of our care-free, happy attitudes....yeah, lets go with that one!
Sam decides to make a super poop while we are waiting for Beth in the car. Drew decides his stomach is now starting to hurt, and must use the bathroom RIGHT NOW!!!!! As we are getting out, Beth pulls in. Sam, who has an irrational fear of public bathroom changing tables, is begging me to change his diaper in the truck and not on "one of those things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I decide that is probably a great idea, and change his super stinky diaper in the truck, all the while questioning if I am crazy or stupid for not cancelling. Andrew is doing the potty dance, so we head to where Beth is standing. She is on the phone, so I motion to her that we are going in to get a table and go potty.
Lunch was great, and I was very glad I hadn't canceled as Beth had truly had a terrible day with some unexpected, terrible news from back home. We chit chatted, ate, and watched Sam and Drew trace pennies onto paper lace place mats. The food was good, and though our conversation was not as light and fun as usual, I think we both enjoyed it. We certainly both needed it! I am very grateful for friends with whom you can share your heart! I have been blessed to have many!
As the meal was winding down, the boys were winding up! Drews cheeks were starting to be a bit flushed, so we headed over to the drs. office just to be safe. Luckily, or so I thought...., the office was 1/2 mile from the Thai Place, and it is a walk-in Express clinic. HAHAHAH!!!!! EXPRESS!!!HAHAHAHAH!!!!!
The short of it, I signed it at 1:18, and left at 440. Beth saved my neck and went to get Jon, Kay and Bry from the house when the bus came. As I left the doctor's office at 440, I understood Postal Rage. SERIOUSLY! Here is a math equation for you:
Dr's office + 2 rowdy boys + 1 PMS-ing mom + 3 1/2 hours + 2 shots= 3 really unhappy people
I finally had to go hunt someone down and remind them we were in the room still waiting for a read on the strep test after 45 minutes. Sam and Drew both have strep. I have a headache and a raging case of PMS. How fun!!!!!!
To exacerbate things, I had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep the night before, so any irritation I was experiencing was magnified 110%.
All in all the day wasn't a total loss. I had a great workout, a yummy lunch with a fun friend, got to pick up our taxes from the accountant, and Jonathon got his aviation merit badge at the court of honor. Not to was LOST night! WOo hoo!!!!! Also, Blake took pity on me and picked up the meds from the pharmacy, and dinner! What a man!
So, I guess that is about it. Nothing exciting here! But really, aren't most days just like that!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
This post makes me want to "Zumba"...hehe... Definitely need to get going again on exercising and that way I can have some Thai food without the guilt. :)
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