It is the most unbelievable thing! Monday started normally enough. I got the kids off to school then got Sam and myself dressed. I had an appointment, and on the way out the door, I grabbed Kayleigh's book off the table.
Next thing I world changed. It is unimaginable! I still shake my head and ponder how it all happened. Before I knew it, I was all the way in Washington State! I had been kidnapped by vampires (really good looking ones), werewolves, and a really clumsy, whiny human girl (she reminded me of myself....always tripping, and finding unlikely ways to injure or endanger herself).
As far as kidnappings go, it WAS quite exciting! I kind of felt like I was just being dragged along in their daily lives. In fact, they really never paid any attention to me, but man did I absorb every minute of the time they had me. I think the reason they didn't have any time to pay attention or torture me was because of all the turmoil they were going through. It was CRAZY!
They took me EVERYWHERE with them. In the past week, I have been to many towns on the west coast, Phoenix, Italy, Alaska, a lovely private island (though I have to say that trip was a little awkward for me.......), and so many other places! They never let me away from them.....
For a while, I thought my captors were all going to be killed, but thankfully, all is well.
When I was released and returned home to my family, I was stunned. It was as if my family didn't even notice I was gone. However, I DID notice the monstrous stack of dishes, the insane piles of laundry, the crumbs in the carpet, and the general state of chaos in my home. They just can't function without me!
I think my family fears I may have Stockholm syndrome. Every time I talk about my captors and our adventures, they kind of look at me in an odd way. They truly were nice vampires, werewolves (well, they kind of bugged me) and whiny girl. I thought I may get released when the whiny girl took me home with her as her dad was chief of police, but no such luck. He was oblivious to me too.!?
My kidnappers did take good care of me. The one vampire, Edward, he was especially nice. The whiny girl, Bella, caused him lots of problems. I kind of felt bad for the vampire.....maybe I do have Stockholm?
There were definitely some tense times, especially for me.....Edward and Bella (the whiny girl) even made me tag along to their honeymoon on a private island.....Talk about being a third wheel.
It is just amazing all that happened in a weeks time. You probably wouldn't believe it if I tried. Those folks work fast though......maybe it was a shot gun wedding...if you know what I mean. They did pick a TERRIBLE name for their half human/half vampire child.
Sometimes, during my kidnapping, i felt like I was actually a part of the family and not someone taken against their will. I felt attached, and was genuinely concerned whether Bella and Edward would find happiness (though she was often quite draining). Whether their vampire family would be safe, and if the dumb werewolf would screw things up!?
Even now that I am home, I find myself talking about them often. Heck, I even went and read their Edwards "Midnight Sun" to see how he was doing....same ole, same ole, rehashing what I had just been through with them, but from his view (enjoyed that greatly....nice guy-for a vampire)
In case you are wondering, I returned home still 100% human. I forgot to mention the vampires are "vegetarian". They feed on animals instead of humans. That was interesting.
Anywho.....I best go return to my family so they dont think I've disappeared again.
If you want to find out everything that happened to me, someone else evidently had the same experience as me....and she wrote some books about it. I think they are called Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. I also highly recommend you read what is up of "Midnight Sun" on the website
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
you are such a dork..
My gosh! The same thing happened to me last summer!...I knew exactly what you were talking about when you said Washington State with vampires! You are so funny! Good job reading them all in a week! Im sure there was no child abandonment involved! I wont tell!...haha! I felt the same way when I read it. I felt like that was all I thought about. It was crazy! I can't wait for the next movie to come out!
love it! It's happening to me right now. I am only just getting to know the vampire and the whiney girl! SOund slike I have a great trip ahead of me!!! ;)
You are so funny! Masey loved the books. I havent read them yet. I am so not cool!
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