Our first assignment in the Air Force introduced me to snow, and lots of it! I had never driven in it, and it was quite intimidating for me. I LOVED the snow though. (didn't love the flooded basement when the April Fools day blizzard of 1997 melted....) There is something about the earth covered in pure white that just makes me so happy.
This past weekend, the weather was predicted to include snow. Seeing how they forecasters are wrong more than they are right, we didn't count on it.
Sunday morning, Blake got up around 530 to go potty (i am sure he'll like me telling that) and we had snow. Not just a dusting, but SNOW. And it was still snowing! (Have i mentioned I love snow!)

We decided we wouldn't be heading to church b/c they don't have the equipment here to sand/salt the roads and bridges and emergency management was asking people to stay home.
The snow continued falling till about 2 in the afternoon.
Sophie was afraid of the snow at first, but then decided she loved it too! She ran, chased snowflakes, assaulted Kayleigh's snowman, and ate lots of snow!

Jonathon helped Sam tractor through the snow. There were plenty of snowball fights too!

Bryce did not LOVE the cold, but enjoyed the snow a lot. I think he was probably the least thrilled with it.

Blake even joined in the action for a good fight with Jonathon and his friend, Hunter.

Unfortunately for Jonathon and Hunter, Blake doesn't fight fair! They had a ton of fun though!
Sadly, all our snow was gone by Monday morning, but what an unexpected surprise! I may have grown up an Alabama girl, but living in states with four seasons fit me well. I forgot how much I LOVE winter till we got our "snowstorm". Wonder what the chances are we'll get more snow within the next, oh five years!?
Girl you are NUTS! You miss the snow?? Remember all the snow and ice we got in Missouri! I LOVE living in Texas with NO snow! Looks like the kids had lots of fun!
Oh and hey did Blake get a new truck or is that the excursion?
I remember that horrific ice storm...that sucked, but plain ole snow, I LOVE!
Just the Excursion. He would like a new one, I am sure though!
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