I am gullable. Yep, thats me. Tell me something, I'll believe it.
The kids had both broken their eyeglasses. No one seemed to be running any good deals, so we had planned to take them to Bham to America's Best. We have been SO busy, it just hasnt happened.
After Jonathon came back from Georgia with duct tape on his glasses, and his second pair missing an arm, and Kayleigh's only pair also missing an arm; we decided it was time to get out of the ghetto and get the kids some decent glasses.....again! (Jonathons are less than a year old...)
Jonathon has scout camp all week next week, and Kayleigh is walking around nearly legally blind, so today was the only day we could get them glasses. I call WalMart, they can see them. Great, Blake gets up to take them, as I am going to baby sit today, and frankly, I just didnt want to do the eyeglass thing. So Blake gets to Wal Mart and I get no less than FIVE phone calls to get the info I had written down and sent with them. THe WalMart Store numbers each pair of eyeglasses were purchased from, the date (or close enough) the exams were done, and each kids name and birthday.
WalMart tells us they cant fix Kayleigh's at all, and that they no longer carry her frames, so we cant even just have the perfectly good lenses put into new frames. Perfect.....
Jonathon's (whose glasses were bought in September) can be moved to a new frame, but it'll take at least a week. That pair was missing and arm, but had both lenses. So he'll get those in a week. Great. The other pair, the frame was somewhat intact, but a lense was missing from where the frame broke and the lens fell out. He was unable to find the lens (as it happened in a lake!!!!!) They say, we'll have to pay for the lens even though the frame (which is under warranty) broke, thus causing the lens to fall out and be lost....whatever. They aren't getting another dime from us, so Blake tells them to just replace the frames on the pair that is replaceable and we'll chalk the other one up to our stupidity for buying glasses at WalMart.
We have bought Kayleigh 2 pairs, and Jonathon 3 pairs, and EVERY pair has broken before a year was up! I know kids are rough on glasses, but not Kayleigh. Yet, both of her glasses have broken and just fallen apart.
Blake, dejected, frustrated, and WalMartified.....new word there....that simply means void of all tollerance and understanding after dealing with "friendly WalMart Associates", comes home. No new glasses. 2 Blind kids. Well, one blind, one blurry.
I decide to take it to the internets....Thanks Al Gore, this is a handy invention! I find a place in Montg. that has 2 pairs for 98 buck and change. Beauty of it is they say they'll be ready in an hour! Sounds great.....A little more expensive than America's Best 2 for 69. But by the time we drive to Bham and back twice (once for the exam and once to get them), we come out ahead doing the 2/98.
So we go. Like anything that seems too good to be true, it just can't be. They do Kayleigh's eye exam (which isnt included, I was quoted 55, but they need to dialate her eyes and that will be another 20) and they break the bad news to me.....Her eyes have gotten worse again. She is now nearly legally blind. Nice. And since her eyes are so bad, they included lenses won't work for her (DUH>.....saw this one coming) so we need to upgrade her glasses to the polycarbonate lens. Fine.....another 40 bucks. We pick her frames, and luckily the 2 pair she picked came from the proper grouping, so we are sitting right at 150 for her 2pairs. Not bad, but ofcourse, not the 98 and change they lured us in with. (And if we add on her eye exam.....)
So we go to pick Jonathon's glasses. All the kids frames look weirdly small on his 11 year old face. She prompts us to the "inbetween" glasses.The ones for teens. We look. He finds a cool pair of frameless glasses with magnetic sunglasses.....for only 169. Um...nope. Put them down, step away and go back to the cheap seats.
We finally find him 2 pairs in the right price range that dont make him look like the kid in Jerry Maguire. Then, she breaks it to me AGAIN. "he is a growing boy, boys are rough, I really wouldnt put him in the included lenses. It would be a better investment to put him in the polycarbonate lenses as well......"By this point I am wondering just WHO they would put in the included lenses???????A vegetable? My grandpa? Her vision is too bad, he is a growing boy......
So I relent, sure get him the polycarbs too.
Then we go for the sitting to measure their pupils and all that jazz. Would I like to buy scratch and loss protection for the lenses. It will only be 20 more PER PAIR. It would only be an additional 80 dollars. (Very friendly gal....she really was. But she must have thought my back yard grew money...) No thank you on the scratch and loss stuff.....they'll scratch them or loose them at some point even if I do pay for this. That is why they are getting 2 pairs! One for now, and one for when they ruin the first pair. Ok.
Would you be interested in UV protection? it is merely 15 per pair (another 60 bucks) but will protect my kids from the harmful damage of UV rays.....Nope, I'll pass. I'll just keep them locked up inside. It'll save me 60 bucks.
Would I be interested in joining.............NO>
Would I be interested in the cleaning kits.....free refill on solution.....NO.
When was my last eye exam, could they schedule me for an exam while I was there? NO.
I know it is their job, and that is where they make the money on the extras, but seriously, I thought they might try to sell me a Fairy to carry in my pocket and clean the glasses as needed.
Three hours, three hundred and something dollars later, I leave with 2 kids (one blind, one blurry......) and still no glasses. The one hour thing, yeah that was too good to be true too!
They would be ready today, but not for several hours, so we decided to come back and pick them up tomorrow.
I have to give them some credit though. As we were sitting for the fitting (oh no, do I feel a poem coming on......nah)we were joking about KK's ghetto glasses. (You know the ones WalMart said that couldn't be fixed!)Our supersales girl said, let me look at them. Took them into the back, and brought them out with a rigged-up arm. She felt bad for kayleigh. Said "as bad as her eyes are, she needs her glasses!" I said, WalMart said they couldn't be fixed....She smiled and said "WalMart lied, they wanted you to buy all new glasses" Which we did, just not at WalMart! So her ghetto glasses are now....well they are still ghetto. They have 2 different arms, but they stay on her face without he walking around with her head sideways.
Just so ya know.....WalMart still gets plenty of my money, but this week they have gone above and beyond their normal stupidity to try to convince me to quit spending my money there. I still have to share the tire story, but I'll wait till I am a little less irritated. Who knows when that will be???? :)
House Hushing & Why You Need It Now
1 week ago
You are so funny! LOVED the story. We have wonderful stories of walmart glasses too. The LADY at walmart broke maseys glasses while adjusting them. they no longer carried her frame so they said they would give me credit for the frame but I would have to buy NEW lenses since the old ones would not fit the new frames. WHAT! THEY broke them and want me to pay?? Whatever! She is on her 2nd pair of "high quality" Hannah Montana frames from walmart. The paint keeps flaking off!
All this Wal-Mart bashing is making me uncomfortable.
Just cash your paycheck and enjoy it jess!
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