I have returned safely from girls camp. I can testify that those bunks are not created for a 31 year old, fat, out of shape woman to sleep on. I woke feeling like I had slept on poorly padded plywood.....oh, wait, I did.
Since I was only going up for one night, I did not feel the need to haul up a air mattress, but only used a self-inflating sleeping pad. BIG mistake. See, I get motion sick on air mattresses, so I thought I'd be ok for one night. WRONG. Every pressure point on my body is aching. Asking me WHY??????
Now, for those of you who may be getting ready to go to girls camp....here are a few cardinal rules of meal time for adult campers/leadership.
1. Don't be shy, the girls aren't. When they sound the meal horn. Throw down whatever you are doing, grab your mess kit and RUN! They may be small, but they will eat everything there before you can huff it up the hill. It took Yahnira and I two meals to learn this. (Yep, we're slow)
2. Don't try to be all polite and nice-nice cool leader. The girls either like you or they don't. Letting them go first just means, when you do finally get through the food line you will get a cold hot dog, chip crumbs, and find that they ran out of fruit......
3. Bring snacks....trust me on this one. Sometimes what is served just isn't that great. Our second meal we were working on creating a giant water slide down a hill with tarps, and no one came to tell us it was dinner. When we got there, we got the leftover packets. They made some kind of hobo dinner. There was chicken, penne or spaghetti noodles, salsa, onions and bell pepper. Interesting combination. But, all that was left when we got there were a few burnt packets. Nice. Luckily, this one turned out in our favor, as there were some packets that got cooked int he oven in the kitchen. They weren't perfect, but weren't burnt to a crisp. I guess there wasn't enough liquid to cook the noodles, as they were had as legos. They were all out of fruit and salad. So for dinner we got.....2 chicken tenderloins. Dessert was good (banana boats).
4. If, when at camp, you have the choice between hot dogs and "hamburger". Go with the dogs......ask Yahnira. A much better choice. If hamburgers appear as cardboard and hot dogs appear Ok. GO with the hot dog. There are of course exceptions to this rule, such as if they cooked those cheap pink hot dogs....or if the burgers look fantastic. But if both foods look sub-par. Go for the dog.
and finally 5. DO not, and I repeat, DO NOT decide to try the yoplait fiber yogurt for your breakfast, for the 3 days preceding girls camp. You will be eating lots of gas producing food, bending over ALOT, and doing other things that tend to move gas.
Seriously, Fiber is over-rated.
And, lastly, I'd like to make mention that while I was promised a bed in the a/c kitchen/craft room (CANDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), being cast into the cabins turned out to be a HUGE blessing. The weather at camp had been absolutely fantastic! Highs in the mid 80's with a nice breeze. At night, we actually got chilly! Meanwhile, the septic was having a problem, and the inside sleeping quarters were smelling like......well, septic gases!
So, my hats off to all you who can make it a week! I had a blast! The food really was pretty good, and the staff worked hard at making the meals! The camp was really nice, the weather perfect, and the people lots of fun! If only I was a little smarter and took a better pad to sleep on, passed up the fiber yogurt, and learned what "mealtime" means!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
you're a trooper!! Glad it ended up being an ok time!
I miss you guys!
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