I am sitting in my bed, laptop to my side, watching the time on the clock pass. What a fun thing to do! In a little less than 24 hours we get to go to the airport and pick Dad up to spend the weekend together. It has been two weeks since we went to Nashville. The kids miss him terribly, as do I. This week we had an excellent distraction, and by that I mean........we had the FLU! Fun times....not really. I have gone through countless bottles of Motrin, night-time cough and cold meds. for the older two, benadryl, mucinex, tissues, etc. All the lovely cold and flu necessities. Our diet has consisted of fresh fruit, yogurt, popsicles, ice cream bars, chips, little Debbie's, soup, and fast food. I know, I am definitely not going to be getting Mother of the Year.But hey, they ate it.... No one had an appetite. Coughing violently kind of kills it for you.
It all started on Sunday. The second Sunday of every month is my meal exchange. We all meet at my friend Candi's house to swap, gab, and eat. Seeing how I am now, essentially, a single mom; I took my kid-lets with me this time. I was hoping it would be quick this time....but no. I can never get lucky. After we left, I noticed when we got home Bryce's cheeks looked flushed. They had been running around and playing in Candi's screened in porch, so I thought nothing of it.
Monday morning I wake up to 4 sick kids. Fevers, headaches, just plain feeling bad. SO....they all stayed home and were miserable. The week just went downhill from there.
The short of it is.....we all got it. The aches, fevers, cough. SNOT to the max.
Finally, after suffering all week. I got a blessing last night. A good friend of ours from back in our old college days has recently been called into the bishopric. His wife called me yesterday for some random reason. When some strange man (um nope, that's me!) answered the phone, she figured out i was sick....really sick. So Gregg and another brother came over. I have felt much better today. I felt good enough to almost feel guilty about being lazy and just snuggling with my two littlest babies in bed! I was a bit annoyed though, one of them drooled on my new pillow shams. That's ok...they also gave me hugs and kisses, so i can deal with drool.
Finally, after suffering all week. I got a blessing last night. A good friend of ours from back in our old college days has recently been called into the bishopric. His wife called me yesterday for some random reason. When some strange man (um nope, that's me!) answered the phone, she figured out i was sick....really sick. So Gregg and another brother came over. I have felt much better today. I felt good enough to almost feel guilty about being lazy and just snuggling with my two littlest babies in bed! I was a bit annoyed though, one of them drooled on my new pillow shams. That's ok...they also gave me hugs and kisses, so i can deal with drool.

Sam has been cranky with his flu....the tub has been a lifesaver! If I have needed a babysitter for him, I just ask him if he wants a bath. I then task one of the older kids to stand guard at the tub and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. This gives me 5-10 minutes to do a load of laundry or dishes, or throw some food together. I think he has had 20 baths this week.
In spite of feeling like crud, I have enjoyed having my kids home this week. It was kind of nice spending time doing nothing, curled up under covers. Sam isn't much of a cuddler, so I take it any time I can. Drew has gotten so big and grown up, I have little opportunity to hold him. He has wanted to be held this week a lot. My bed has become grand central station of fevers, boogies, tissue, and lots of hugging. It was very rare this week not to find a kid curled up asleep on my bed. Hopefully, we are almost over this, and can get the house reassembled.
Good news is the furniture i ordered for the boys got delivered. I got the boys beds assembled, but the rest will have to wait till I have energy.
Good news is the furniture i ordered for the boys got delivered. I got the boys beds assembled, but the rest will have to wait till I have energy.
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