Ok, he's sleeping, but not snoring! He hates it if I ever say he snores, and truthfully, right now he is not snoring. We picked Dad up from the airport last night. The flight was delayed about 35 minutes. We got a heads up once we were on the road, so we just detoured by McD's to get Jonathon second dinner. (You know in Lord of the Rings, the Hobbits have second breakfast? well, my kid has second breakfast, lunch and dinner these days! How am I going to afford to feed him when he is a teenager???????) So, that killed 20 minutes. Never knew it would take so long to get 2 hamburgers, 2 sprites (which they were out of sprite!), an M&M mcflurry (my weakness), and a small order of fries. We get to the airport, and only have to circle the terminals once, and there he is.
It was so good to see him. Two weeks felt like forever................heck this past week felt like forever. I think by now Bryce was zonked. He had his head back, mouth open, drool flowing....He was OUT. Sam was nodding off, then waking. So he got to see daddy, and was pretty excited. Drew was awake. He was watching Curious George on the tv. Sam LOVES curious George, so if he gets fussy in the car, we pop it in. I think it goes back to last year when we would visit mom and dad's house while Blake was in the Stan. He was sick (go figure) and Uncle Chris would sing Jack Johnson to him. Very soothing. So now, he loves Curious George. I think I'll have to find him the soundtrack to it. Jon and Kay are awake, of course. Luckily, he had no bags! In he gets, and off we go! Doing great making good time coming home. We stopped and switched places around Jemison, my eyes were playing tricks on me, and it was making him nervous. I told him I hadn't taken any cold medicine in the last 6 hours so I was fully "functional" to drive. Don't think that mattered much. I was still coughing, watery eyes.....maybe i needed the cold meds.
We get home, and all the kids go straight to bed. They were tired. Bryce woke enough to say hi to dad. Sam decided to have a coughing fit and puke on dad! Welcome home sweetie! Nothing says I love you like purple benadryl puke on your lap (and on my slipcovers on the new wingback chairs!) We did a breathing treatment on him, got him cleaned up, and he was ready for bed.
We knew we weren't even going to attempt church today with Sam still ill. The flu is still running rampant, as well as other fun things, so we slept in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW NICE THAT IS???????????? I had kind of forgotten! Aaaahhhhhhh.........joy! We finally get up when Sam decided to give me back the YooHoo's he had just slurped down. (mental note....NO MILK products to a phlegmmy baby!) Poor Sam. He asked for a bath. No problem kid!
Today has been VERY lazy. I am sitting here now, on the far corner of my bed (the part that didn't get sam-sprayed) looking out the window. It is raining, and I can see the storms rolling in on the hills about 5 miles away. It is so cool to watch the rain approaching. The cows are out there....Bryce asked if they were going to get wet. There is a set of baby calves chasing each other. So cute. Sam was just looking for cows this morning. He'll be glad when he wakes up that they are out there again. I love the view from my bed. If I could, I would stay here all day; and ya know. I am working on that right now. Only wish the sheets were finished drying.
We had some severe weather come through. Our front yard looked like a lake. I'll have to download the pics later. The rain was nice to listen to though.
So far we are having all the necessary ingredients of a good visit: puke, rain, and kids fighting! Woo hoo! Good times! I am very sad that in about 24 hours I put him back on a plane. It will be a month before we are able to see each other this next time. SUCKS. And you know what sucks worse, is it is our choice! Why am I not packing up and moving right this minute. I slept better last night than I have in weeks. I have this thing I do....I put my foot on him when we sleep. I have since we got married.
As newlyweds, I was a bed hog. Now, he would still argue that I am a bed hog, I just say I cant stand to see unused bed-space. So, when we were newly married, I would drape my leg over him. He couldn't stand it. I slept just fine. I'd have my arm and leg draped on him and sleep away. Over time, it evolved to just my lower leg on him, then just my foot, and now, I just have to touch him with my foot. It is kind of like a comfort blanket. It lets me know he is there. I guess my foot found its home last night, because I remember putting my foot on him and waking up this morning still touching him. I have been tossing and turning so much the last few nights, as I coughed and hacked and struggled to breathe. Last night, i didn't. I just slept. I am sure it was a combination of sheer exhaustion, feeling better, and the comfort of being together again. he must not have slept as well though, as he has been a sleepy head today. Granted, he only got 4 1/2 hours sleep on Friday night. He closed Thursday, then went in at 6 on Friday so he could leave to make his flight. Poor thing!
Not sure what our plans are for tomorrow. I'd love to sleep in :). I think we are going to take the kids to see Spiderwick if Sam is better.
I know we are going to finally move the dining room table back in from the garage! YEAH!!!! I think i has turned out pretty good! I may still lobby for a new one once we move, but for now this will work. It has made me want to paint some other furniture that is getting rough looking. We'll see. Once we move the buffet the tv is on now is going to serve as a ....wait for it.....BUFFET!!!!! So, I want to paint it antique black to match the dining room table. I have to get new handles for it. I got it in Downtown Knob Noster at a resale shop that was open for a few months for like 40 bucks. It is solid wood. Has great shape, but has seen better days as far as its finish goes. I just think it will look fantastic black. It is on my project list. But I think rehabbing my night stands is up next! I also want to find a nice chest of drawers for the master. Ours are so crappy. i still have the rest of the boys furniture to put together. FUN! I think that will have to wait a bit longer. Still lacking in the energy department!
Seems I need to move from my perch and go fire up some dinner! I think I am going to cook one of the meals from this months exchange! I just LOVE doing this meal group! So nice to have a yummy dinner at hand.
So, tomorrow, i get my garage back! YEAH!!!!!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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