We got up Saturday, but only because we had to. I could have slept all day, i think. I even bribed Sam with a breakfast in bed, consisting of Smarties and Chewy Sweetarts (now don't nominate me for Mother of the Year at once!). It worked for about 45 minutes, but candy can only keep a baby happy so long! So, out of the bed we roll. Get the whole gang dressed, and we take them to Shoney's for breakfast. Did the buffet, so everyone got something they liked. (Except Sam, no candy on the buffet). We had a really nice grandmotherly-type waitress. With a big family, you either get the crotchety old hags, or the really nice ones. Luckily, we got the nice one this time. Though, i did notice they took us all the way to the back corner table in the sunroom area of the restaurant. Anticipating trouble, I guess. I was glad, meant there were fewer folks for us to annoy. The kids behaved really well, and we ate and were out of there in no time!
Next stop....Opryland Hotel. Our sweet waitress told us we HAD to go walk through it. Our resort was only like 1/4 mile from it, and the shoneys was right across the street, so we figured we'd check it out. The waitress even told us how to park at the mall and walk over vs. paying 12 bucks to park in the hotels parking lot! It was pretty cool! We kind of did it in fast speed though, as things like that, though beautiful, don't keep the attention of an 11. 10, 5, 4, and 1 year old very long. (Not to mention their dad....he was a good sport, but I could tell it was painful for him!)

After that, we went over to Opry Mills Mall. I like that mall. Lots of great stores....I kept asking the kids if they wanted to go to Bass Pro Shops. We took them to one in Springfield, Missouri. They liked it ok, but have never wanted to go back to one. When you ask, they just groan............... So, we take them to this place called Sting Ray Reef (it is part of the Aquarium Restaurant). They got to see stingrays up close! I didnt get pictures, but Blake fed them! He said you could feel their mouth on your hand. Too freaky for me! THe kids rode the carousel. After that we walked, looked at a shoe store, a stop in Old Navy and Gap, then to Rain Forrest Cafe for lunch. Yummy! We stuffed ourselves. Had an appetizer courtesy of the Wyndham Resort, some delicious Strawberry Banana Drinks in glasses that flashed. It was pretty cool, but was missing the cliff divers that the Mayan in Salt Lake City has. After dinner we waddled down to Dave and Busters! We used to go to D&B with our friends, the Phelps, back in San Antonio. So much fun! We had a blast (the kids and the parental units). Sam was getting tired, so we decided to head back to the room.
After nap, we suited up and headed to the pool. You expect and indoor pool to be warm and welcoming. Not this one. It felt like the polar bear plunge. We didnt stay there near as long as I had thought we would. Bryce's lips were turning blue from the cold, and he said he was getting a headache, so we bailed. Back to the room, ordered Pizza and watched TV!
Sunday, we went to church in a little branch. They swarmed us when we got there......fresh meat! They are used to visitors though, and were very welcoming. We only stayed for sacrament, but it was a very nice testimony meeting. We both had long drives home, so we said our good-byes after lunch. The kids and I got home in 4 hours...no stopping! Woo hooo! Though it rained from nashville to clanton! now we are getting adjusted again to being home without dad. Sam still gets up in the bed every morning and asks" Where Daddy go?" We have four months, then we will be together as a family again, and I can't wait!
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