I think i am on that spinny thing at the park, you know the one that just keeps spinning round and round......oh yeah it's called the merri-go-round. We are all set to send Blake to Ohio. Then other options are being thrown our way, and it cast doubts on all the decisions we've already made! Ohio is still leading the race, but it there was a way we could stay here we would. We so enjoy being close to family. This last weekend we took a last minute trip to mom and dads. It was fun. I am exhausted as we stayed up too late playing cards both nights. Saturday Mom and I took the three little boys to the park and let them play....that was lots of fun. (Except for the poop that Andrew fell into.....can you say STINKY! Oh, and if your child ever has an accident at the park, please clean it up so my kid doesnt fall into it!) Gag, nasty.....ugh! Blake, Dad and the two big kids went and saw a movie. I think "in the name of the king" or something like that.
Blake and Dad went to church in Theodore, as Dad had to speak. Mom and I and the kids went to their ward. I pretty much paced the hall with Sam. He was tired, and he tends to get loud when he is tired. I got to chat with Lasanka for a while, so that was nice to catch up. Chris and Crystal showed up for most of Sunday School and then Sacrament.
After church we headed home and had a yummy lunch. Mom made a pot roast. I swear i have never had one turn out as good as moms. They just fell apart. And the potatoes that cook with the roast are my absolute favorites! It was so good! All the kids ate their lunch, I didnt have to fight with any of them. Even Drew ate! At first he ate just his fruit, but then I made him taste the meat, and he said "Oh, I like this" and ate it all! Unfortunately, we werent able to stay long yesterday,as I had meal group lastnight, so we left around 330 to get home in time. I barely made it! (Ok...truth be told, i was 15 minutes late to Candi's house, but thats ok). I did shepard's pies this time. It was the easiest meal i have done so far. Tonight we are feeding the missionaries, so I am going to be using one fo the meals, not sure which one yet. LOVE meal group! We havent had any bad meals yet!
This week is going to be a crazy one! We have to continue packing and getting things ready for blake to leave. :( The kids have a three day weekend, and I think we will probably drive up with him if the weather forecast is good. I have never been to Cincinnati, so I am curious to see where we'll be heading.
So many things are uncertain. What do we do with the house? Rent? Sell? Do we rent there or buy? Is staying through the end of school here the best idea or should we go ahead and go? That would mean three schools this year for the kids....I just dont want to do that to them.
Well, I have to go see the man of my dreams off....he is about to head to an interview.
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