Monday, April 14, 2008

Next project

I have been trying to get little projects done every day. In the event we have to sell our house, I am trying to get it looking staged, but still living in it. (With five kids....yeah....ok) Mostly, I just want it to look how I enjoy it. So....Kayleigh's room has been my project of late. Her room is easy. Only one occupant. She is pretty easy to please, and knows what she wants. I may not agree with it, but it's her room. I still want her to have pink and princesses, and bows and pig tails.......

Instead, we have dots, and browns, and greens! Which is cute too! Though she did tell me next time she wants pinks and purples! YEAH!!!!

So, She needed a side table. The Rubbermaid's were screaming....well, they were just saying they didn't belong!

Her furniture is white. So I set out to find a side table I could paint. No luck! I was at WalMart and passed by those little 19 inch decorator tables and thought what the heck! So, 6 bucks later....she has a side table. I bought a cheap round white cloth to top it. Her curtains in her room are actually a shower curtain from Linens N Things. I bought two back when we started her room. So, I cut a 25 inch square for the topper. (in hindsight, I wish I had cut it a good bit larger so I would have draped'll see what i mean) I may find some cute lime green or turquoise solid to cut a larger one to lay under the polka-dotted one.

So here are the action pics....(try to contain your excitement!)

Here is the little table before I began torturing it.

(and yes, I am aware the tablecloth needs to meet the iron. Not gonna happen! Sorry)

Next I cut the square of fabric from the shower curtain material. I used Singer NoSew double sided tape to create the hems as I did not feel like sewing. I probably could have even left the sides raw,but this gives it a nicer finished look.

Once all four sides were completed,

I began attaching the beaded fringe with Fabri-tac Adhesive.

Let it dry, and here is the finished project!

I have a lime green oversized alarm clock I am going to replace the inside to match her room. It was a freebie I picked up at playgroups swap table. So look for that project in the next while.

I'm definitely no Martha Stewart! Maybe oneday, if I can get her to have it clean long enough, I'll have to take a picture of the whole thing......

It could happen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I want to see the entire room. LOVE the fabric!