So, i haven't posted in a while because I couldn't get logged in! It said my password was incorrect, which I knew it wasn' not sure what happened there!
A LOT has been going on around here. First, I spent a good amount of time getting the house ready to show. We had planned to put it on the market the 1st of April. Some friends knew someone who was moving here in May, and told them about the house, so I had to get it ready earlier for a preview. That went well, they liked the house, but bought something closer in. Turns out that is fine, as....we aren't moving. Not yet anyway.... only time (and a job) will tell.
Oh, yeah, by the way, Blake resigned from his job at Aldi on the 1st of April. When I saw the email in my inbox, I thought for SURE it was an April fools joke. No joke. He did it! And it has been amazing! He sounds So much more alive and happy. Like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. He still has great respect for Aldi and the people he worked with, but it just wasn't the right job for him (or our family, most importantly). So, we are back on the job hunt.......:) Any ideas?????
Luckily for you readers, there are no poop or puke stories to be had this posting! I'll refrain from bodily functions for a while (on the blog anyway). A big Congrats to my friend, Nicole, who had a beautiful baby girl yesterday! I am always a bit jealous now when a friend has a baby, as my birthin' days are over! Though, that is also cause for GREAT celebration! Bryce will sometimes ask if that is a baby in my tummy! Nice. *note to self....if your kid thinks you look pregnant, it is time to hit the gym or something other than Ben and Jerry's! (though I LOVE Phish Food!) Oh well!
Here is something I passed time with while i was locked out of my blogger.....
Project: Saving the Ottoman from the Trash

This is the lovely Target Pleather Storage Ottoman I purchased less than a year ago. Here is a hint to all you other moms with 4 boys, one with great talent for poking holes in fine pleather. BYPASS IT! Or, if you do choose to buy it, just get it over with and grab a pencil and poke away.
I couldn't toss it since there was little wrong with it other than its innards coming out and holes through the pleather. So......

I removed the top from the hinges. Pulled back the dust lining on the bottom, and positioned it on the fabric where i wanted it. (I found a nice curtain panel on clearance at WalMart that matches some of the other fabrics I have bought for the house) I started stapling the fabric right over the pleather and under the dust lining.

Here is what it looked like when it was all stapled up. I attached the hinges back, and put it on the ottoman. It isn't fabulous, but it is a lot better than the beat up pleather look we had going on.

Hopefully, I can get another year or so of use out of it before the boys have totally destroyed it!
Tomorrow, I'll post how I made a valance for my dining area using a table runner, fabric glue, trim, and Velcro! Aren't you excited!