Saturdays are a treasure. The one day a week I can sleep in. Sadly, it never happens. Today was no exception. I find I staying up too late, and getting up too early. I intend to go to bed on time, but I lay there and cant fall asleep. Last night, I went to bed way earlier than I usually do, like 10:15. I fell asleep pretty quickly. Then I woke up 11:45. Then at 12:30 Bryce came down needing to pee and crying that his ear is hurting. So bathroom, Motrin, and a big hug and kiss. I have him sleep on the couch so I can hear if he is crying more. He sleeps, no problem. At 545, Sam walks into my bedroom with his Diego cup, and says, "mom, more. Diego more." Up I am....only this time I don't bother getting back in bed. No need.
The Relief Society Presidency has been tasked to prepare breakfast for about 100 LDS relief workers coming to help clean up the devastated areas in Prattville today. We decided to make breakfast burritos since we could make them at home, wrap them in foil and just pass them out. So, I start the task of breaking open 90 eggs. Cooking 5 packages of bacon. I got smart with the bacon. When i went to the store I bought the precooked since it comes out to costing the same per slice. You have to compare the price per slice not pound. I HATE the smell of a house that bacon has been cooked in. It lingers for SOOOOOOOOO long, I just gag. So, the bacon all goes in the oven to be warmed. I am scrambling 2 skillets of eggs at a time, and heating the tortilla shells. I start right around 600 with the cooking, and finished making my 80 burritos at 719. Not too bad! Comes right out to about 1 burrito per minute.
I am supposed to be at the church at 730.......gonna be late.No big surprise there. I have Jonathon change Sam's diaper so I can take him with me. I load the cooler into the van, put Sam in his car seat, and we're off. When I get to the church, they already have some of the tables set up outside to serve from, but it i s cold and windy. Inside, we decide since they are going to be working outside all day, and since we are also feeding them hash-browned potatoes and fruit, we'll move it inside so the can sit and eat. There were already tables and chairs up from last nights adult activity, intended for use at the Blue and Gold Banquet tonight. People slowly start trickling in. It seems like we may not hit our 100 people mark. We have probably made WAY too much food. We were offering people like 3burritos. More people showed up as the CERT (Certified Emergency Response Team) guy was doing his "briefing" (really, shouldn't these things be called something more appropriate and "mind wasting long narrative about stuff you already know, but i am going to tell you (twice) anyway and inject some personal stories about my daughter-in-law's mom and dog" or "30 minute lecture to tell you not to do stupid stuff, and don't eat the stuff in the fridges you'll's rotten") I did think it was interesting that they didn't want anyone to take pictures, though he did clarify that and say that you didn't take pictures of people, or anything identifying.Really though, they are there to help, not be photographers. I was impressed at the number of youth from our stake who showed up to help, young men and young women.
After breakfast, the "briefing", and getting everyone registered; the city sent two school buses to transport them from the church to their assigned zone in the disaster area. The organization of it all is very impressive. Color-coded armbands to let police and residents know you belong there. It is gridded out and assigned to different aide groups. They were expecting between 1000-3000 volunteers today! Amazing how people can come together like that!
After all the people were taken to the site, we cleaned up. Of the 240 burritos,20 pounds of potatoes, and 2 treys of cut up oranges, grapes, and apples; we had about 16 burritos, NO potatoes, and a handful of grapes and 4 orange slices left. In the beginning,we were afraid we had made too much, but as people trickled in, it all got eaten!
Sam and I headed home.He was ready to go. In fact, he kept saying :mommy, go. I found he had put about 3 graped down his pajamas, maybe for a snack? Crazy kid! Blake called as I was driving home, so i got to talk to him for a while. he was on his way to work.They have been having lots of snow, icy rain. The whole drive home, i was dreading returning to the mess I had left behind. Do you know how a kitchen looks after cooking 90 eggs, 5 pkgs of bacon, and using a 3lb bag of shredded cheese???????????Yeah, not good! Kayleigh had already started cleaning the kitchen when I got home, so it wasn't too bad.
Sam went down for his nap, and I thought, oh, I can finally rest! Get a nap. NOPE! Dang phone! It was good though. A friend, and one of the girls I visit teach, has had her baby in the hospital. She was calling to say things were looking better and he may get to go home tomorrow!
So, here I am at 1:45, thinking maybe now I can get a little nap. However, I have too much laundry to do,and a few kids fighting over a chair. Oh well, maybe I'll get my Sunday nap?hahahah....yeah, right.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago