The past few weeks have been filled with the usual summer business. We haven't been to the pool lately, seems every time we want to go it storms. I don't mind the rain. The lawn gets watered and I don't have to wear a swimsuit in public. Double win!
I can't believe how quickly time is ticking away and soon school will be starting. This year we will have a 7th, 6th, 2nd and 1st grader! Sam and I will chill at home! :) I am tempted to put the little stinker in pre-school. He loves playing with his friends, and is always wanting to go somewhere. My goal is to get him potty trained as soon as the big kids head back to school. Say a prayer for me.....I have never potty trained a child. No Lie. Blake has done it every time. What a good dad he is!
I can't believe how quickly time is ticking away and soon school will be starting. This year we will have a 7th, 6th, 2nd and 1st grader! Sam and I will chill at home! :) I am tempted to put the little stinker in pre-school. He loves playing with his friends, and is always wanting to go somewhere. My goal is to get him potty trained as soon as the big kids head back to school. Say a prayer for me.....I have never potty trained a child. No Lie. Blake has done it every time. What a good dad he is!

We are all reading lots of books from the library. I am reading for enjoyment for the first time in a long time. I remember now why I had to put aside my hobby.....nothing in my house gets done when I am reading. For example, when I read the whole Twilight series in a week, it was as if I had been kidnapped and my house fell apart. Nothing got accomplished until I finished those books. Same has been true this go around. I have been reading random things different people have suggested. I finished "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" today. I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy it. I had a slow start to it. The book is all in the form of correspondence between people, weaving the story as the letters go. At first, I was put off by the letters, but soon really enjoyed the way it allowed you to see things from so many characters eye, and to hear it from their words. Add it to your summer reading list if you haven't read it!
Business wise, I am getting ready to teach a few Super Saturday classes for one of the wards in my stake. Of course, they are getting a good deal. We are gearing up for a few Fairs, several school fundraisers, and are hoping to launch some home shows/workshops.
This summer we have said good-bye to many friends who have moved, and are welcoming new friends! Blake is keeping busy at work. He is still enjoying his job, but works crazy hours! He recently had an interview for a government civilian position. We should hear about that in the next several week (2 months at the latest.....nothing happens quickly on their time frame). It would be great to get a gov. civilian job for several reasons.....he can have his Air Force years back towards a govt. retirement. At least if it doesn't happen, he is happy with his current job.
School starts back a little over 3 weeks from now. We are starting a new chapter....JR HIGH!!!!
I seriously can't believe our babies are old enough to be in 6th and 7th grade! Kayleigh will still be at the elementary school this year, as construction on the new school was not completed in time. I shudder to think of Jonathon going to school with 7-12th grade kids......why do i feel like he is still a small, helpless child.....does this look like a baby to you?
I have a feeling the next few years are going to fly by.......I really don't know if I am prepared to be the parent of a teenager. That is just what he will be in less than 2 months!
I best go try to keep peace in the house....Jonathon has a friend sleeping over and they are tormenting KK who is trying to play dance, dance revolution. Sam is coloring on something he shouldn't, and Andrew is being far too quiet to be up to any good....
Sounds like you guys are busy busy! Our summer is just going too fast!
Seriously, Jonathan is so big! He is a full blown young man, not a child!! SO sad!! ;)
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