My Tuesday this week began normally enough. I woke up (early, which is not my favorite! I think they should move school to start at 10 so I can sleep till nine). Got the kids off to school rather smoothly. It was another cold morning, so Sam and I had hot chocolate while we watched Curious George. We got showered and dressed, and it was time to go to brunch bunch. Start the car, it isnt wanting to start. Seems not to like the 19 degrees. It cranks, but the oil pressure light stays on. I turn it off, call Blake. He said crank it again, it is probably just too cold. I tried to pop the hood, but it was frozen. Wouldn't even pop. I get back in the car, and crank it again, no lights, no problem. I tried to get the hood to open so i could close it, but it wont budge.
Off we go the back way to a friends house. About 3 miles into the trip, the hood pops open. I knew (or suspected) that would happen. It catches on the latch, that you reach under and slide before it pops up all the way. So i pull over, unlatch it and close it. Man it is COLD outside. We go to brunch bunch. Play, eat and talk. Getting time to go, and Sam mentions he has something white on him. Anyone who knows Sam knows it is not unusual for him to have something on him. Quite the mess maker! I look him over, see nothing, kiss his head and off he goes. I am gathering up my things and he comes and stands next to me. I see something white on the floor next to him. Oh my, the innards of an overly full diaper. Lovely. My kids diaper has just exploded at my friends house. (This happened before at her house, so it was doubly embarrassing!) It isnt that I hadnt changed him. I changed him right before we came over. Evidently, LUVS diapers SUCK!
We clean that up, and I hear my cell phone ringing. It is Blake. "Did you get the messages?"
Me, confused, "no?" Blake "the school has been trying to call, Bryce broke a tooth and is in the nurses office". My heart sank. Please let it be a baby tooth. I call the school nurse. He is up there, still in pain. Was eating lunch and broke a tooth.
I grab Sam, our food, and we are off to the school. I am hoping our insurance is finally figured out, as I have to take Bryce to the dentist. Get to the school, and out he comes. Smiling, nearly skipping. Hmm.... One of his primary molars had broken. We go home, it is 1pm now. I call the dentist at the top of our list. They close at two, but will work him in if I get there quick. We grab our things and go. The office is lovely. Has only been opened for 6 months and has a spa-like atmosphere. They have a free beverage and snack bar. There is also an Internet bar and an xbox room. The office staff are very friendly.
I sit with a magazine after filling out all the paperwork. The receptionist call, "Mrs. Lunsford, can I ask you a few more questions?" Me, "Sure." In the back of my mind, I know this is about to derail. "What was your husbands social again?" I repeat it to her. She looks at her paper, then pauses, "The insurance company is saying you are not one of their clients." I laugh, look at her and say, "Ofcourse. " Ya know, that was just the kind of day I was having. Alot of phone calls and an hour or so later, we figure out they -the insurance company-haven't processed all of our papers, are closed (they are in the VA/DC area) for the inauguration. The office there very kindly agrees to see Bryce and hold the papers till the insurance stuff is fixed, since they confirmed we were covered from Jan. 1. We wait again. The kids have each had a juice, played xbox, drew a picture, and are now playing on Finally we are called back. They close at 2, so they just saw him after they had finished everyone for the day. The staff was all so nice to him, made him feel really special. He got in the chair and found the TV on the ceiling, remote control, and spongebob and he was happy. Really, he was. They x-rayed and found the permanent molar was growing up under and had positioned itself just under the roots of the primary molar at an angle. When he bit down, it was just he right angle and pressure that the permanent molar acted as a wood splitter does a log, and snapped his tooth right up the middle. They gave me the option of capping it, and still loosing it more than likely in a few months; or just having it pulled. We opted to have it pulled. They numbed him up. He was a little nervous. So the dentist says, "lets get Bryce some nitrous." Boy, that was all it took. He had a ball. The dentist comes in and asks if he is ready to get that tooth pulled, and Bryce said:"This is the best day EVER! Can I stay here forever!?"
The tooth gets pulled without any major drama. We found a new dentist we LOVE! Off we go back home. Kayleigh calls on my way home and mentions the toilet won't flush. I told her to leave it alone and I would fix it when I got home. Weird....the boys must have played with it!
Pull into the house, and in we go. Bryce has his lovely tooth in a cool case from the dentist. It is 4:20. A little over three hours at the dentist. Fun. So, Kayleigh says, "Mom, I hate to mention it, but I have achievement days at 430."
Off to the church. We get there about 10 minutes late. They are making cute fleece blankets. She jumps right in. I leave to run a few errands. Pick her up, and we go to Target so she can finally spend her gift card she got from her Grandparents for her Birthday. Blake calls while we are at target. "Ginger, is there any reason the water isnt working?" Me, dumbfounded, "No, not that I can think of." Off the phone with a hurry request to come home. We go grab some Motrin from the pharmacy for bryce. Stop by Zaxby's and pick up dinner to take home. I had already made some chicken earlier, but was going to make noodles when I got home, but with no water, not happening. So we grab Zaxby's.
Get home, and after some research, and me SWEARING i had paid the dang water bill. We realize I have forgotten to pay the dang 35 dollar water bill and they shut our water off! Why is it so easy to forget the water bill! YIKES! How stupid and embarrassing. Blake volunteers to go get some bottled water from Walmart. he has been pretty good through all of this. If I hadnt had a craptastic day, I am sure we would have been yelling at each other, but I was nearly on the verge of tears just with the car, diaper, and dentist stuff.....the water was just a final straw! While he is gone to get the water, Andrew tells me he has his 100 day poster due. In fact, it is now a day late. So we grab some poster board, and get to work. I hadnt eaten yet, so I leave my food on the counter and instruct the other four children to bed. Blake comes home while we are working on the poster. We finally finish the poster, and I go tuck my two little ones in bed. Get my hugs, kisses and say goodnight. Finally, I can sit, eat my dinner and absorb the crazy day. I go to get my food, and it is gone. I am not even kidding. I mutter, "dang kids, they ate my food! I didnt even get to eat dinner."
Blake, in the living room says, "Oh, was that your food?" He has eaten my dinner, thinking it was what was left over. Nice. No dinner either. I pop a bag of popcorn, have that for dinner and put myself in bed.
Nothing alone was really terrible. Just the combination of all twenty million little things sure added up to a really long, really bad day. Thankfully, the rest of the week went MUCH better! Got the water back on Wed morning, after paying the 35 due, plus a 50 fee. Nice.....I immediately logged onto our bank website and set up a autopay even though I dont know the amount until it comes in, at least then I wont completely forget to pay it. I really was SO embarassed. Oh well! Now you guys all know what a ditz I am, if you didn't already!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Congrats for surviving that day! Suddenly Romania seems like a walk in the park. And I must say - hallelujah for nitrous. Erik had a cavity in Virginia and the gas made it enjoyable for everyone. I can't believe what an awesome dentist you've found!
Okay seriously that sounds like the worst day ever! The only thing that made that day semi bearable had to be that kickin dentists' office. I want to go there! The awesome thing is that you kept going through it all, I swear I would have called it quits after the dentist office. Way to go - I think you just might be a supermom for surviving that day!
You weren't kidding when you said you had a bad day! You definitely deserve another girl's night out.
Oh... and by the way, I want the name of that dentist. :)
Yikes! Glad you survived... we would possibly be visiting Melinda @ the crazy house if that were her... either that or prison...
You ever stop to think of what we (5 kids) put Mom through... luckily for her, there were no cell phones to tip her off so every event was a surprise with no time to prep mentally or emotionally.
I have been meaning to catch up on my blog reading and yours was the first to catch up on. Wow what a crazy day you had! Reading that made me stressed! You do a great job handling everything! Days like this help you appreciate the good days!
Well, I hope you don't mind, I linked over from Jessica's blog and frankly, I am addicted to your hilarity. I just feel like I am reading my own stories! (I do have a Sam, maybe thats why)I thought of your post today when I spilled my fries on my floor board, quickly followed by my drink. (the other landed on the ground as soon as i got out of the car) Anyway, thanks for letting me peek.
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