Disclaimer: Just because this post may make me seem like a lazy, distracted mom....well, never mind the disclaimer.
So this morning was kind of rushed. Our mornings always are. For one, I do not like to get up in the morning. Also, it was freezing this morning. The two of those together, added onto a monday, and things were running a little slow. Got the kids off to school, and I turned on PBS as usual for Samuel. He LOVED Curious George. Quite fitting too, as he is a rather curious little rascal. I usually use the 30 minutes he is watching George to eat my breakfast, check my email, and start a load of dishes or laundry. Very exciting stuff in this house. This morning was no exception, only i added in a glass of hot chocolate to see if I could defrost myself. I let Sophie out to do her business and noticed ice on the deck. It was COLD. Sophie didnt seem to mind, and after doing her business, stretched out in the sun. Every few minutes or so I would check on her to make sure she was behaving. The cows were in the field behind us, and we only have cattle wire across the back. Sometimes she likes to role-play and pretend she is a cattle dog. Those mornings are not fun to talk her into coming home. She too is a curious little dog.
Finally this morning, after trying to reason with the dog, I decided to just watch her through the window. If she started trying to escape, I'd just call her back, and just like the kids, she'd ignore me, then I would have to bust out the "mean" voice, and unlike the kids, she'd listen and come home. I sat down to check my emails, and Sam came and told me he needed a diaper change. In one ear and out the other. I usually change his diaper after Curious George goes off, before I get in the shower. I glance out of the window and notice Sophie is edging ever so slowing into the field. I get up to go tell her to come back, and notice a sight unlike any other.
ME: SAM, WHAT are you doing!?!?!?!
Sam: I'm changing me diaper. (very matter of fact)
Sam: I have poo poo.
I stand there for a second to take it all in. There is Sam. On the Floor. One side of his diaper opened. There is Sam's poop (still in the diaper.....mostly). There is a wipee-in Sam's hand.
He proceeds to try to do what I can only call a baby sit up, as he is looking at what he is wiping. (He is making a mess too!) There is a reason 2 year olds do not change their own diapers. There is a reason 2 year olds have diapers. There is a reason 2 years olds are to be still on their back will an adult wipes the remnants of Poopapalooza.
I un-freeze and disrupt the mayhem.
ME: Sam, you know you can't change your own diaper. You need to let mommy do it for you.
Sam: No, i do it myself.
Me: If you can change your own diaper, you can use the big boy potty.
Sam: No, i poop in me diaper, then change me diaper. It's easy mommy. I not use the potty.
Me: I think you can. Do you want to try?
Sam: (after looking at me like I am stupid) Mom, I just went poop, i dont need to use the potty.
I finish (with him still trying to help and wipe his own butt while laying down...) and get him dressed and ready to go for the day. I decide to hop in the shower. I put the movie Curious George on for him to watch while i shower (yes, i was totally using the TV as a babysitter, sue me-though it didnt seem to work so well). I come back into the living room, and Sam is running through the living room, carrying a diaper, wipes, and his diaper is half off. He had pooped again and was about to change his own diaper again.
Now, I dont know if it is just me, but if you are smart enough to gather all the needed supplies twice, and to unlatch the diaper, is it too far fetched to think he could recognize what is going on ahead of time and use the toilet???? He seems to think it is a unreasonable request. I talked him into wearing a pull up today. That was quite an accomplishment. However, we got to Target, and he proudly announces: Mom, I just peed in my Pull Up, nah nah...... (really, he said Nah nah)
So, how do you convince a 2 (almost 3) year old that using the toilet is the thing to do when he seems to have the diaper thing down pat???
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
that is toooooo funny..
put him in underwear for a day or two.. he'll be potty trained.. he's ready
that is hilarious! Especailly when he said," Momy I just pooped, I don't have to use the potty!
Love it!! ANd good lick with the potty training! I think it's time...at least to start!
Um I know I am lazy but I say keep him in diapers. I hate having to take Emma potty when I am shopping! Especially at Target because the bathrooms are all the way in the front. See told you i was selfish!
I'm thinking about putting mine back in diapers. It's just easier. But if you are motivated, tell the kid you're going to take away all the butt paste if he stays in diapers.
Too funny. How's the potty training going?? I never know where your stories are going to go. What happened to the dog? Did she make it back in the house or is still with the cows???
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