So, the thing about having kids is they eat and they grow. Continually. It seems every time I turn around I am feeding them. It also seems every time I turn around I am buying someone the next size up in clothes and shoes. And I have four boys. Boys are rough on shoes!
Jonathon has been complaining that his shoes were worn out. He said he had six holes in them. SIX. The shoes aren't that old. I think maybe 4 months at most. Yesterday he made the comment again that he needed new shoes. He was going on a field trip today and the teacher reminded them all to wear good shoes. I took a peek and was quite embarrassed I have been sending my son to school in these shoes! He said, "Mom, I bet people think we don't have any money or a decent home or anything." Now, that is a lot to assume from a ratty pair of shoes, but obviously his shoes were a source of embarrassment for him. (and rightly so. )
I was in for quite the shock when we sized him! I had to buy him (remember he is 12!!!!) a mans size 10 1/2! Wow.....his current shoes were 8s! No wonder his feet hurt and they had holes, he was busting out of them! I can only imagine what size they will stop at? Blake wears a 12, so hopefully that will be it for him. He better get the height to match the feet is all I am saying......
Next, why do people think they are more important than anyone else? I know we live in self-centered world, but I almost choked at the Y today. My friend, Janna, and I got to the Y a little late today. We went Monday right at 8, but her son Collin had swim lessons at 11:15, so we decided to meet at 10:15 today. They have nursery from 8-11, or so we thought. Evidently, on Tuesdays, they close at 10 or thereabouts (they close as soon as the moms from the 9 aerobics class pick up their kids). Since we didn't realize this and were planning to put the boys in the kid care, we decided we would just do the track. I had to refill my water, and as I was at the fountain this is what I heard from the nursery:
Most Important Mom in the World: (asking Nursery Grandma) So, how did she do?
Nursery Grandma: Fine, she played. Had a good time.
Most Important Mom in the World: Oh, good. She has been SOOOOOO sick, but I just couldn't stand it anymore and HAD to workout. She has had the flu shot, so we are sure it isn't that, but we don't know what it is. She just is so sick.
I stared at the woman (who couldn't see me, as I was kind of behind her at an angle) and thought she must be kidding. The nursery grandma seemed kind of taken back too. WHO brings a known sick kid to the YMCA nursery b/c you just HAVE to workout. I am sure your child hates that she is sick as much as you do, but to drag her to the Y and expose the other 12 or so kids who were in there is just plain rude!
I walked out to Janna, who was waiting at the track for me. I told her to be glad we got there late, and told her what I had heard. If I were the Nursery lady, I would have banned her for life! I know I am guilty of taking my sick child to WalMart, but not to a CHILD CARE place. I am sure the moms of the kids in there will be scratching their head by the end of the week trying to figure out where their little one picked up whatever it is The Most Important Mom in the World's little girl had. But hey, at least she burned some calories, right?
And finally, what is it with my house!!? You know, I think I am going to have to call the builder. We got lots of "upgrades" on our house, and for the most part are VERY happy with it. I am not a huge fan of the flat glass stove top, but I try not to cook much, so no biggie. However, I have a sneaking suspicion he didn't tell us everything we should know about our house. I NEVER, and i mean NEVER would have bought it if I had known. I hope it is not something we have to disclose when we sell it, or we will have big problems! And I am just not quite sure how to fix this! Evidently, our home is a "self-dirtying" model. And, not only that, but it is an energy efficient self-dirtier. Very little energy is expended in the "get dirty" mode. It happens nearly instantly. I am still trying to figure out how to override this feature. I checked the buttons on the stove to see if the self cleaning stove might do it, but nope. I considered where the self-clean is on my front loading washer, not there. So, if anyone out there has this "amenity" built into their home, if you can check you manual and let me know how to turn it off, I'd appreciate it. Just can't seem to find that page in my homeowners book........
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago