We got the CT scan back, and thankfully, Bryce does not have the abscess they feared he had! I have to admit i was very anxious and a bit freaked out. The drs. office was great, and the nurse explained to me why they thought he had it, and thus the reason we were able to get a CT scan done so quickly!
What the CT scan showed was Bryce has fluid in the soft tissues of his neck, and some largely swollen lymph nodes. They think it is due to the strep throat. He is to continue the antibiotics he is on, and if at the end of the course, his neck is still stiff, he will undergo more testing.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. The past 2 days have been hectic, and at times, quite worrisome. We did find out about 11 am or so that he was in the clear for the abscess, but this is the first chance I have had to sit down again.
The kids are all tucked in bed, trick or treating is over, and I am cleaning up a messy house! We are all still recovering from three crazy busy weeks! Tomorrow my kids get to deep clean their rooms! Their will more than likely be wailing and gnashing of teeth.....
Again, thanks for the prayers and well wishes, they were certainly felt, and we know our prayers were answered today! Who knew a stiff neck could potentially be so serious!!!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago