School has started and with that comes germs. We did pretty well the first several weeks, but the flu hit us. Bryce and Samuel both tested positive for flu. Sam got really sick with croup and spent some time in the ER. Drew and Jonathon took their turns being sick. I think I had it before them (but thought it was allergies). Lots of medicines later, and I think we are over it for this bout. I did decide to sprout a mountain range on my face, but what do you do?! I feel like I am back in high school with zits like this again. Ugh.

The next big thing....WE HAVE A TEENAGER! A real live, official teenager.

Our house is one loud, crazy disorganized mess! How could it not be with four active, healthy boys, and one princess! (two princesses if you count Sophie)
Blake is super busy between work and his new calling. He only lasted on the high council about 2 months. I think he wishes he was still on it. He is now the stake executive secretary. He is doing a great job at it, but we miss him. :) We have a great Stake Presidency, so I am very happy he is working with such great men! Blake is already such a good father, husband, leader, and more; I know this calling will be good for him. he'll tell you he lacks in compassion, so maybe this'll help?
I swear I get further and further behind everyday. I am a terrible time manager, and even though I know this, I haven't seemed to find the ability to correct it. Because of this, the blog is being neglected, but I am going to try to put more on here.