We had Jonathon's closing ceremony tonight. Bryce's was yesterday. His team won second in the league. Lots of natural talent on that team, and all but three boys move up to the next age group.
It is funny, Jonathon's team had a coach who gave it his all and had great practices. All the games just didn't go their way, and after a crushing loss on Monday night they lost their spot as second in the league. Jonathon did make a fantastic catch in center field, but the win was still not to be. Bryce's team had a coach who was on the clueless side, had very few practices, and they end up in second!
As Jonathon's game was going on, Bryce's team was getting their trophies. They looked SO cute out there. All season, no matter what, their team was always happy. There is one boy on the team in particular who always had a smile on his face. The boys come off the field after the ceremony proudly showing off their trophies!
I take Bryce's trophy and read the inscription and have to hold in a giggle. It reads:
2009 City League Baseball
Um, people.......Runners-up. I had to point it out to the other parents They all got a good giggle out of it. It is just par for the course around here. Maybe I am just a grammar nerd...ok y'all know I am not b/c i totally ignore rules of grammar on my blog......but for a trophy you are presenting on behalf of the city! What is sad is that the trophy shop didn't catch it either!
Tonight at Jonathon's ceremony we were reminded how backwards things are around here sometimes......stereotypical rednecks. There was the guy that kept lifting his shirt and picking up his belly flap. Yucky. The lady who stepped right in front of me as i am trying to take pictures of my son get his trophy. She had the nerve to get irritated at me for taking pictures over her shoulder. The kicker of them all was the All Star coach on one field coaching a practice. He was waving a bat around, pointing it at the kids, and yelling at them. The parents all just sat and watched! I am sorry, if some guy is yelling at my kid and waving a bat at him, I am going to have to intervene. Oh, the joys of small town, southern life!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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