Did you know it is hot? Like really hot! We had plans this week. Most of it involves being outside. The zoo.....the pool.....scout camp dinner and family day. So, a heat index of 108-112 does not mesh well with that! I am rethinking and looking for nice indoor activities.
Bass Pro Shops is having a free family summer camp, so yesterday a friend and I took our combined 8 children to check it out. What they failed to tell us is the Tuesday/Thursday events are lecture/scavenger hunts only. It is only the weekend that has the free shooting range, casting pond, smores, crafts, etc. So, we had 8 kids who were somewhat disappointed they didn't get to shoot airguns or bow/arrows. Bryce was bummed he didn't get to "fish". We may try to return on Saturday, but that depends...on if I want to. Truthfully, a stop by the fudge shoppe downstairs on the way out, and all the disappointment was washed away in a wave of sugary confections. I even let the kids get some candy :)
We dropped Kayleigh and her friend off at her friends house, and headed back home for an evening of pure laziness. I was going to go out and weed the flower bed, but I was out for less than 2 minutes (at 7pm) and was sweating like crazy. The phone rang, and that was all the excuse I needed to go back inside. I have some vinyl projects i need to finish in the next few days, and the garage is SO hot that I have just be procrastinating. I am afraid to see how my neighbors take to the heat. In the dead of winter, they (meaning the father and son) would be hanging out in the garage in their underwear. (and yes, with the garage door open!). It looks recently as though they are trying to make it more comfortable in there and have added a lovely yellow arm chair with wood accents. They live right across the street, so it is kind of hard not to notice. i will have to go all stealthy and snap a picture for you guys......seriously, something you have to see to believe. Thankfully, the dad is a fan of boxers vs. tighty whities. Sadly, he is not a fan of any type of shirt. He really should look into them. I walked outside to find him on the riding mower yesterday in cutoff jeans and no shirt. (no shoes either). The little boy (who is only 5 or 6) is much like is father and is a fan of bottom only attire. He does prefer tighties to boxers.
I am thinking there must be SOME kind of community code against underwear-lounging in your driveway while smoking? Right? I mean seriously, there are two houses for sale next door and across the street. If i came to look at a house and a 300+pound man was sitting in a lounge chair in just his underwear at the top of his drive way, I'd probably keep on driving. Admittedly, they are quite friendly and the mother is a fan of all clothing. I guess they figure their house, they can do what they want.
We had a fun quick trip this past weekend. My little brother finally got hitched. It was a beautiful wedding and I will do a post all about that at some point when pics are available. It was fun to sit and reminisce with my all my siblings (except for Chris who was off honeymooning, I am sure) about funny stories and things from the past. The kids all had a wonderful time with one another. I sure wish we all lived closer to each other.
This is getting long, and isn't really about anything, so I am going to go tackle one of those long neglected projects!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago