Is there such a thing?
We had a great Christmas! Couldn'T have asked for better! Well, except to have Jess and her family here, and Chris and Crystal too. Other than the few missing family members, it was perfect. The kids were even kind to us and didn't get up at the butt-crack of dawn on Christmas morning! We stayed up far too late on Christmas Eve with Mom and Dad playing Spades. (Blake and Dad usual) The kids all slept upstairs so no one would get up earlier than the others and have a preview. We told them they absolutely could not come down any earlier than 730. They were nice and obliged!

The kids were all spoiled. Got most of what they wanted.
Had a great day playing with all their new fun toys. Luckily, we were able to sneak a nap in while the kids played with their toys. The weather was a bit damp, but warm, so the kids were able to go out and ride the new toys their Grandma and Grandpa gave them.
We need to get a new battery for the Gator the kids already had, then Bry, Drew, and Sam can chase each other and Sophie through the yard.
We have only had one injury with the kids "cars". Bryce ran over Drew's leg. I am still not sure how it happened, as I was inside(bad mom, yes, i know).

Anyhow, the day after Christmas all the family descended upon us. It was great. It is always nice to have everyone here. For one, since it is our house, i don't have to stress if the kids make a mess or brake something. It's ours anyway.
There may be some blackmail video somewhere of Blake and I singing and dancing to "Another one strikes the dust".
Yeah, that was a moment that should not have been recorded for posterity. We got the game "Lips" on Xbox for Christmas. It is a karaoke type game. It is quite fun, though I think we have done all 40 of the songs about 100 times now. I had never heard the "song?" Lipgloss until that game. Interesting.....the power of lipgloss...who knew? Wish I didn't. It is a fun game, and even those of us who have not been blessed with amazing vocal talent still have fun playing it.
There may be some blackmail video somewhere of Blake and I singing and dancing to "Another one strikes the dust".

Here is a little funny for you. My kids will kill me for this when they are grown. For those who don't know. Our back yard backs up to cattle field. Our back fence line is just cattle wire. We love it. The view is great, and the kids enjoy seeing the cows. Well, while everyone was here, one of the kids (i think it was my nephew, but cant remember) came in and said the cows were jumping on each others backs. Next thing we know, we look out, and all the kids have gotten chairs and are sitting or standing by the fence watching the cows "jump on each other's backs." A little farm education never hurt anyone, right? It was quite funny, if only they knew what the cows were really doing. Thankfully, the older ones, who probably do know what the cows(and Bull) were doing didn't announce it or educate the little ones. Sophie (the dog) was itching to get out there and nip the heels of the cows. She loves to go under the wire and get in the hay field or the cow field. We hate it, as it means we have to chase her....
The kids had a great time playing football, riding bikes, playing on the Wii and Xbox, and eating. There was lots of yummy food! Scott and Melinda made us a YUMMY standing rib roast, garlic mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, broccoli, rolls, and gravy. It was delicious! I think I gained 10 pounds from that meal alone! It sure is nice to have 2 former chefs in the family. Sure beats the little Caesar's hot-n-ready i feed everyone.
We played lots of games: Apples to Apples, Ticket to Ride, Lips, and others too i am sure. Apples to Apples was a new one for us, and quite fun/funny.
Everybody has gone back home now, and the kids are back to driving me crazy since they have no one to play with! I get to go take down the "Easel Tree" at the church. Our pole was missing for the center of the tree, so our tree was improvised and the branches were wrapped around an easel from the church library. It worked quite well! Do you think there is a market for Easel trees?????
Off to take the kids to the park. I hit Target yesterday for the 75%off Christmas Clearance. Just trying to do my part to keep the economy afloat.