Life has been so crazy...updating the blog has been the last thing on my mind! This weekend, it feels like I was finally able to get something productive done. Laundry was a big goal....always is! I guess with six people in the house, it is always going to be! Some days Sam still goes through two outfits! So we have lots of clean laundry, i got rid of a lot of junk, and some other things that needed attention were taken care of!(i got to sleep in!) woohoo!
I have some exciting news to share.....I may be getting a new couch. it wasnt so exciting. Actually, it is quite frustrating. Let me have a Sophia moment (that is a Golden Girls reference, by the way) Pictureit ....Prattville...2008.....I have had Sam practically attached to me since the day the child was cut from my womb. Should've known he was going to be a problem from the start! Had to be different...anyway....In my usual manner of "oh-crap-i'm-late-ya'll-tend-to-the-baby-while-i-rush-like-the-cray-person-i-am", I was busy in the kitchen putting the final touches on the frozen meals for my quickly approaching meal group swap. We had decided to go to Mom and Dads last minute, and we got back in just enough time for me to throw the meals in a basket, and quickly print the instructions. As I am walking across the kitchen, passing by the junk drawer, which is open???, I close it and think, "Hmm, haven't seen Sam for a while?" Now, while I would normally go and investigate, I was just grateful that he wasnt underfoot, and I was able to scamper around the kitchen. (TRAGIC ERROR!!!!!!-hints to moms of 2 year olds....if you notice they arent RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE>>>>>>>GO FIND THEM! AND QUICKLY! )
Now, I know, he looks sweet and innocent enough, right????WRONG
That grin is hiding the secrets only he knows....
I put the last meal in the basket, and yell to the kids....grab your shoes and lets head out. I ask Jonathon to get Sam to the car. He disappears to the living room. I hear a sincere....oh my goodness sam. Curious, but not curious enough, I wait for Jonathon to come to the kitchen.
And he does..."Mom, you have GOT to come see this." Me, thinking Sam had emptied the wipes again, or spread the lincoln logs across the universe again, said "What is it?" Still hurrying about the kitchen, and getting my shoes on, finding my keys..... He said, "No really Mom, you HAVE to come see this. You wont believe it." Now THAT got my curiousity up......I have four boys, it takes a good bit for something to be unbelievable to me....I mean, come on....I have had to go retrieve my child from the mens bathroom at the BX after he POOPED in the URINAL! (go bryce!), another (my non-boy child) decided rocks belong in the nose and tried to give me a coronary when her nose starts GUSHING blood as I am driving on the freeway in UTah, then there was the time Bryce decided to shake his goods in the glass door infront of the neighborhood (Sorry Kristine, i know you still are traumatized.), we also have your standard pooping in the tub, outside the tent. We have A LOT of poop stories (and NO this is not one..>THANK GOODNESS!-though at least i could've cleaned it up). Once we were at the neighborhood park (in Missouri) and Bry had to poop BAD> I told him to run ahead, as I had to collect Drew and Sam from the baby swing, and well, fat ladies just don't run as a general rule. I had Jonathon follow him home to let him in and do paperwork if he finished his assignment before I arrived. So, i pull the stroller into the yard, and learn Bry couldn't make it in, so he dropped drawers RIGHT IN THE FRONT YARD! And POOPED. Ahhhhh.....high class! I HOPE no one saw! I was laughing so hard I couldn't be mad. Anyway, not sure how this got to be about it takes a lot to surprise me. (Seriously, I am sitting here watching Andrew fit into a popcorn bowl in the living room, he might have a future as a contortionist!)Back to the story....k....Jonathon wont even give me a clue as to what is up. I said, "well, just tell me if everyone is ok." He kind of thought for a second then said, "well, yeah, but you aren't going to be happy." Now remember, we are in hyper-mode. Supposed to be somewhere in 15minutes (and it is a 20 minute drive!). I go into the living room and stop dead in my tracks. Yup, I shocked. Hindsight is beating the crap out of me.....should've checked on Sam. Should've wondered why the junk drawer was opened, should've put things i don't want Sam to get further back in junk drawer. Sam, in his infinite 2 year old wisdom, decided I REALLY needed some decoration on the wall behind the couch. 

I have been going back and forth over what I want to do there. Well, he had JUST the plan. 1 black sharpie and a two year old with 5 minutes alone in the living room. Oh, but Picasso didn't just create a masterpiece on my beige, builder's flat, wall paint. No, he decided that our plain couch needed a little pattern. ON EVERY CUSHION.
He got the seats, the backs, both arms and one side. I like my couch. It is only 16 months old. As I examine the couch, out of the corner of my eye, I see the doorway to the hall. The little turd (that would be Sam) colored on both sides, and on one wall in the hall. He also colored on one of my throw pillows.

Great. Lovely. Now, normally my reaction would be something along the lines of "$&(&%#()^*!*$($ or perhaps *$!!)#(%&^&$(!!+$, and if that weren't it I can guarantee you I would've said at least :what the *$#($)!. But,luckily for Sam, I didn't have time to be mad. Instead, I said, is that permanent marker? The kids said :yep. I said, well nothing we can do about it now. Let's go.
And out the door we went. Lucky kid didn't even get reprimanded, other than, Sam, that's bad. And he smiled, pointed to himself, and said, ME! In fact, any time he hears me talk about his art he smiles, points to himself and says ME!
If this ever happens to you: ACETONE nail polish remover will get it off the wall, but it will take some of the paint with it. So, be prepared to do a little touch up if you take off too much paint. The magic eraser only lightened the stain, and smeared it some. So save yourself some time and go for the polish remover. The couch will not budge. Nothing is getting it out. We bought a fabric warranty, so I am hoping they will cover it. If not, I guess I am getting a new couch!
So, lesson of the day....if your 2 year old isn't bugging you, find out why! Oh, and hide the permanent markers if we are coming over...Sam is quite the artist!
1 comment:
Oh man I remember when you got that couch! It isnt even broken in yet! Cute little Sam!! How can you even get mad.
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